Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Adventures With "G"

I have a lifetime friend. For now I'll call him "G".
He's a great guy. It seems he goes with me everywhere. If he's not there I miss him. Although to be honest he always returns my phone calls. I admit I have trouble getting back to him sometimes. I tell him sorry and he forgives me.
I've been dishonest with him. I know it hurts as it would any friend I could ever hope to have. I sometimes feel I'm not that great a friend to him. His friendship overwhelms me sometimes.
He's going to school with me. I sometimes disregard his advice when it comes to my studies. How I regret not listening. Thing is his knowledge seems so simple sometimes. Pride gets in my way. How silly is that?
G also reminds me to be calm. For example a situation we can all relate to:
Being stuck in a long line at grocery store when the person at the front of the line is arguing over the conditions of a coupon or a sale item. G reminds me that we all can be annoying. He reminds me I've surely been the one holding up the line. I smile a weak smile. G knows me so well.
When it comes to being annoying I can't believe what G puts up with sometimes. I belly ache about trivial matters. I tear my hair out over nothing so much I can barely stand myself. He has reminded me that life is short and complaining is a HUGE waste of time. I wonder where G gets his patience.
As far as having a short time on earth G has actually saved my life!
Years ago I was very close to death and oddly enough G happens to be a wonderful physician. A real miracle worker. He has a great friend that has a advanced degree in counseling. They're insepable I could never thank them enough. During that time I lost a lot of blood. Thankfuly I recieved blood from an universal donor. I'm eternally greatful to these amazing people. I would not be alive without them.
G has a lot of friends. G directed them to my life. Tears of joy well up when I think of all the wonderful people in my life past and present. Through G I met my best friend. And through that friend I've gained a new family. I dare not think of my life without any of them.
G happens to be a nature lover. In the past I didn't take time to smell the roses. Now I do and I regret all the beauty I missed in my life.
Well I could go on and on about G. Let me just take time to thank him.

Thank you God.
When it comes to amazing people G has so many great

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