Sunday, September 25, 2011

"So Close Yet So Far Away"

Luke 9:28-43; 45
This is the story of The Transfiguration of Jesus.
Peter, John, and James went up to a mountain to pray with Jesus. While praying Elijah and Moses
visit the trio. (Side note: Elijah is said to represent prophecy Moses is said to represent The Law and Jesus is the representation of Prophecy fulfilled, Fulfillment of The Law and Fulfillment of Salvation)
Anyway: The story continues with Jesus, Peter, John, and James coming back down the mountain.
As they touch ground a man brings his son who is possessed by a demon to Jesus. The man tells Jesus
that His disciples were not able to drive the demon out of the boy.
Jesus drives the demon out but we see that Jesus in a sense is in as much awe that his disciples couldn't
do the job.
I think that there is a good reason for Jesus to be perplexed. You might think that anyone who had been
spending so much time with The Son of God would be able to drive out a demon tormenting the soul of a little boy. At this point their eyes were still blind to the power that Jesus hands out to those nearest to Him. Eventually the disciples do learn of the power of God and how to use it. Not by any power that they had in themselves but by the gifts bestowed upon them by God.
Even after Jesus returns to Heaven the power of healing and deliverance stays with them but only if the use those gifts in The Name of Jesus. Being obedient to God through the wisdom of The Word of God and The Holy Spirit. The main reason for the ascension of Jesus into Heaven is so that His Spirit may be poured out upon All Flesh. Upon all the children of God.
So as modern disciples we too can be given the power over evil. But we ourselves don't have the power. It is obtained by spending time with Jesus and The Holy Spirit via The Word of God.
Are you too busy to spend time with God? Too busy to pray? Can you take time to pull away from Facebook or other internet sites? Sit in quiet time with God instead of taking much needed energy to learn healing spells in a virtual fantasy land?
Why not spend time learning healing from the source of all healing (Jesus) and heal people in the real world?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"The Son That Sheds The Light"

God created the light and seperated it from the darkness.
God is the light of the world in him there is no darkness.
Would you hide your light under a bushel and in doing so keep the light for yourself?
We are called to be children of the light. God is the light of the world. God has chosen us to be bearers of his light. Those of us with the light of God within us need to shine the light in this present darkness. But sharing the light comes with responsibility.
Do you tend to filter The Word of God? Or maybe you make the light so intense that you end up blinding anyone you try to share it with.
Light from the sun nourishes life on the planet.
Just as light from The Son of God brings nourishment to the soul.
If you are in constant contact with this dark world you need light and warmth to melt cold hearts that have been hurt by friends, family, co-workers ect.
You need not burn people with the truth that resides within you.
Truth and gentleness go hand in hand.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"From Evil to Good"

Genesis 3:1-5; 11-13; 22-24
Numbers 21:4-9
Philippians 2: 6-11
John 3: 13-16
This first reading establishes that the devil took the form of a snake to tempt and destroy humankind.
The second reading shows us the progression of snakes continued affiliation with evil. 
Here's the miracle. The serpents that are sent to the Hebrews in their time of grumbling against God. The serpents strike many and many are killed. The result is the repentance of those wandering through the desert. God directs Moses to fashion a bronze serpent on a pole. That then becomes a sign of healing for those afflicted with snake bites. To this day many doctors offices and hospitals weave the snake on a pole into the "logo" of their office or hospital where they work.
The passage from St. Paul's letter to the Philippians he tells us that Jesus emptied himself and came to us as a man. Not only that but Jesus made himself obedient to death. And death on The Cross. One of mankind's most horrible forms of execution. Add to that, Jesus was dying for sins He never committed.
Last but not least in one of the most famous Bible passages of all time as like the bronze serpent being lifted as a symbol of healing, Jesus is raised up on The Cross not as a mere symbol of healing but as the ultimate image of healing and eternal life. The Cross was meant to be the greatest tool of the devil to triumph over good but instead became the most important tool of defeat over death and hell. 
So what evil are you facing?
Death? Disease, Famine? Poverty? Unfaithfulness? Desolation? Depression? Betrayal? Divorce? Failure? Fear?
Addictions to drugs? alcohol? gambling? pornography?
I've seen people without limbs living a sucessful and meaningful lives. They challenge adversity. And put life into prespective. Sometimes sweating the small stuff (for example failing an exam, being grounded, internet and texting privleges being taken away ect.)
Most times our worst disability is our attitude. So look at life. Your miracle may be right around the corner. It may come from the most unlikely source.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

"A Servants Heart"

St. Peter Claver was a man who met slave ships to minister to the unfortanate souls being brought here jam packed, in chains only to face a hellish "existance".
He would come and gave Last Rites to those who didn't make it all the way over.
He also prayed for those whom faced a lifetime of degredation. He fed them, gave them something to drink, and tended their wounds.
It seems that St. Peter Claver was following the example of Christ. He came as a servant to seek and save the lost.
We too could make this a better world if we became selfless instead of selfish.
Sometimes all we can do is pray for people caught in slavery.
Slaves to drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling, and hundreds of other self destructive ways.
Sometimes we may have an opportunity to take action.
Maybe your actions will save a life.
Maybe you set people free from slavery and help direct them on the course that awaits them.
From slaves to workers. Working for a purpose.