Sunday, June 23, 2013

"Where Have You Been?"

The Bible has many scriptures about going into the House of The Lord together. Also included is going together with joy.
What happens when we don't go to church?
We miss out on so much.
We miss out on hearing the word of God. Many inspired messages are heard when we listen to what is being preached from the pulpit.
We miss the spiritual blessing of taking communion. The Body and Blood of Christ sustain us. We know that no one can live on bread alone. No amount of money can buy everything that Jesus provides.
We are spiritually nourished when we partake of the sacrifice of our Savior. The saving grace of God is present in the Eucharist.
When we are baptized we are spiritually made one with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. All of us who are baptized (no matter what denomination we belong to) with the same elements and are forever grafted into the body of Christ which is the church.
That brings me to one other thing we miss when we skip church.
We miss meaningful contact with fellow believers as well as those being saved. I can personally attest
to this.
When I see someone that I consider a friend attend church services I light up.
When they're not their I am momentarily crestfallen.
What's more is that I am saddened and concerned when someone who has been struggling with the faith goes missing even after just one service.
Why? Because those who are genuine in their faith and devotion it's a reminder that I do not stand alone.
Iron sharpens iron. We have a powerful enemy who stalks the earth seeking whom he may devour. The devil comes to kill, steal, and destroy. The devil is a stalking lion. And as with lions in the wilderness a predator will go after the weakest of prey.
If you are beat down, weak, tired, and alone you will be torn to pieces by the enemy of your soul.
So if you have found a home church by all means don't stay away.

We're a family. We are all children of God. We are all called to stretch the healing hand of Jesus to the whole world.