Tuesday, December 18, 2012


     The Book of Matthew begins with the possible lineage of Jesus. Someone pointed out that there
was not DNA testing back then but that should not matter. Showing that Jesus had human ancestors
which speaks to his very own humanity.
   Jesus also had divine origins. What does that mean for us? Jesus referred to his disciples as his
brothers, sisters, mother, and father. That means we truly are children of God. The prophet Jeremiah
wrote that God knew us before we were in the womb.
     We have tools such as Ancestry.com which can help us track our blood line. What can we find out
about those who came before us?
    We may never find out the intimate details of the lives of our family members who wait for us in
Heaven but perhaps some clues will emerge that give us a look into some of their activities. For
example we may find out that our 3 times great grandmother was a nurse during a war and helped
a soldier pull through his injuries. Do a little research and we find out that soldier eventually married
that nurse.
    What can we learn about where our families when we consider the land they came from? Maybe
your family came from a place where the land was tough to work with making it hard to plant and
maintain crops. That tells me that people from such a region were hard and determined workers.
    Now ask yourself what will future generations say about you? Will our descendants say that we
worked hard. Will we be known as people who survived great hardships? Will we be known as
children of God? 
     As with Jesus many say he was a great man. A man of peace. A man full of wisdom and great
moral character. Some say he was a great teacher. And many people claim the Jesus is the
savior of the world. He is the rescuer of lost souls. 
     We may not be The Messiah but we sure do have a chance to rescue lost souls.



Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"Harsh Words"

    There are  passages in The Holy Bible that are quite harsh or even hard to deal with. To begin with let me mention Holy Communion being the Body and Blood of Jesus. Even in his day when people heard this they
thought that such an idea was disgusting. But when you look at Jesus being The Bread of Life and The Living Water then it isn't so bad.
     St. Paul also said some things that to this day stir people up. The most famous of these was when he said wives be submissive to your husbands. Again let me suggest a more modern take. Because when you add the very next verse which says Husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church. So in other words live for each other. Be willing to make sacrifices for each other and the health of your marriage. Jesus gave his life for all who believe in him. In a sense we give up our former lives for each other. We should be faithful to each other as Jesus was faithful to the will of his father in Heaven.
    So far as The Bible is concerned every book from Genesis to Revelation is full of challenging instructions and images. Does that mean that we should allow such verses to shake faith?
     I don't know about other Holy text but I'm certain they may include sayings that people may question. In fact some sacred scripture may scare some people away.
      But what are you looking for? Are you looking for God or religion? Are you looking for rules and regulations or a life in The Spirit? We are to be transformed into The Image of God. We are all called to the Kingdom of God.
     Life is hard. The world is full of harsh words. Surely they don't all come from Holy books. In fact most don't. They come from people who have endless backgrounds, past experiences, cultures, traditions,and so on. But God encompasses all humanity.
      For in The Spirit is life. It's from the heart that the mouth speaks. The Lord is the great physician. Allow God to heal the words that have so damaged you and watch what you say. Because words can hurt. But words can heal.  

Friday, November 2, 2012

"All Saints Day (Not just for Catholics)"

     Many people see All Saints Day as a Catholic celebration. Others would go further to say that glorifying some people above others (As in the veneration of saints) is wrong.
      Let me address these issues. First of all the original definition of saint was friend of Jesus or a more inclusive way to put it, Friend of God.
     Second The Catholic Church doesn't have a monopoly on the world of saints. Many religions have claims of ordinary people being involved in extraordinary events. People who have endured extreme situations only to see miraculous results.
    Divine intervention has come to play when someone is able to lift a car off of someone. People without any training whatsoever have run into burning homes to save a neighbor or even a cherished pet.
      Nurses have saved lives when they notice a symptom others may have missed. Doctors can be heroes when a patient has a complaint that other ignore and that doctor takes it seriously and saves a life.
      Ordinary people who may never end up with having a church named for them or even being written in the history books.
     And the idea that saints are virtuous and without sin well let me tell you that is not the case. If you read about the life of St. Augustine then you'll see a man who lived in sin and still had a great impact on the world.
       Princess Dianna could be seen as a saint. She was a beautiful person doing whatever she could to make this a better world for those less fortunate than herself. Surely she was a friend of God.
      You may never be involved with healing the sick or raising the dead or maybe you will. The main thing to keep in mind is that the power to do so comes from God.
     You can be remembered as a friend not only of God but that of your fellow men and women.   

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"The Importance of God In Every Relationship"

     What type of relationships are you in? Are you a parent dealing with children? Are you a grown child caring for an adult who may be infirm? What gets you through? Is it hope? Is it faith?
      Hope that you will raise your child/children right. Raising a child is not easy. Especially in these chaotic days. It seems that telling right from wrong has become a blurry and abstract subject.
       We're in a "whatever makes it easier" society. If your child would rather sit in front of a TV screen instead of doing chores or homework it's OK as long as they're quiet. Buy your kids the latest video game just so they won't throw a temper tantrum. We're too busy to check homework and moniter entertainment choices. Let alone ask how our children are doing or to tell them we love them.
     Jesus wasn't too busy for children. He said "Let the children come unto me." Those of us who have a childlike innocence inherit the kingdom. To be in awe of God. Childlike NOT childish.
     Jesus had a close relationship with His Father in Heaven. Jesus did as he saw his father doing in heaven. The Our Father Prayer is a testament to that. "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."
Jesus followed The Father's will even unto death.
     The followers of Jesus were disapointed in the fact that thier leader had been killed. Nonetheless God's plans were not put to death. The death and burial of Jesus lead to his ressurection. The mission of Jesus was continued and continues to this day.
      So maybe your married. And you have an amazing spouse. Your love for each other runs deep. You can't face the idea that one day you will lose your beloved. What if it were to happen? Will you
yell and scream at God and ask why?
     If God has a strong place in your relationship and if he is the glue that holds everything together then if and or when your beloved is wisked away into heaven then knowing that God is by your side his strength can see you through.
      If you put God in the drivers seat and rely on him all the days of your life he can become your spiritual spouse.
    Look I know that these words may sound silly and absurd that's okay. Faith in an invisible God may seem rediculous. But what have you got to loose by at least reach out to the Great Spirit?
    Life is not without pain and loss. It's a gaurantee. Another promise is that there is a higher power out there. Someone created you. Every life has a purpose. That may be hard to swallow but I believe it to be true.
    I tried to deny this as being fact but God is truly everywhere. Look hard ennough (even if you have to squint) and you will find the truth and the truth will set you free.
    Men and women fail each other. But God never does.
       The more importance you place on God in your life the more evident his assistance will be even if the people that reside in flesh and blood let us down, get sick, or even die.
    They say that there will always be death and taxes but there will also always be the promise of our father in heaven and the fact that the gates of heaven are open 24/7/365 That the lifeline to God's ears to hear us and our prayers never lose reception or ever become out of range.
    What relationship do you have with the One creating us in  his image?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

"Hands To Yourself"

In California there has been a law passed against being forced to undergo "laying on of hands" or what some call exorcisms.
    One of the top reasons this was deemed necessary is that parents of teenagers were trying to "pray the gay away."
I know that St. Paul went Old Testament on everyone when he singled out homosexuality.
Jesus on the other hand spoke of a broader sense of right and wrong when it came to sexual immorality.
   "If anyone so much as looks at an other person in lust it's as if you have committed adultery with them in your heart."
     I think the key words here are "in your heart."
       If your heart is where your treasure is supposed to be then what condition is your heart in if it's full of lust?
     Gay or straight lust is lust. And hate is hate.
Love your neighbor as you love yourself. How much do you love yourself if you hate anyone else, for any reason? Not so much I tend to think.
    How will they know we are children of God? By our love.
Not by judging each other.
      I would even say that if you are part of the LGBT community then try not to hate those who hate you. Especially when it's out in the open or in your very own home.
      I don't know what other religious text say on the subject but I say,
'Does it matter?'
        In a sense I guess it does. But it doesn't have to.
           If you are a parent who is concerned about a child who may be gay and your beliefs say that homosexuality is a sin just let it be.
         Don't be so concerned with what gender your child is attracted to or even if your child is questioning what gender they are inside. Be concerned with the safety of your child.
     Teach your child about safe sex.
Teach your kids to respect themselves in order to be in a safe and healthy relationship.
    Don't you want your child to have happy memories of not only childhood but any associations they come to have with you and God? No matter what church, mosque, or temple you go to. Perhaps you don't attend religious services. Don't you want your house to be a home and not just a shelter.
     After all hate and lack of acceptance do not make a happy home.
God created us ALL in his image. God is love. God is everywhere.
   God is love.
          Let us reflect God by being loving.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

"All This Work For Nothing?"

"Unless The Lord builds the house, the workers labor in vain."
     The forefathers of The United States believed that their labor to build a great land would not be in vain.
What do you think our forefathers would think of The U.S.A now?
I suppose they would be disappointed at best.
     Moral decay is a growing problem. Violence fills not only the news, but countless TV shows. Some people have just given up.
     The economy is a mess. Even Middle Class families need to go to food pantries. Unemployment effects everyone in one sense or another.
    The presidential election is quickly approaching and the candidates are flinging mud again. Yesterday in church I heard quite the notion; why split the the nation in a contest of of Democrat VS. Republican and instead come together as a nation united.
    Let's become we the people.
 One Nation under God, not one nation under religion.
    Perhaps the idea is to stop ignoring the crumbling ground as a nation divided against itself. It shouldn't matter who's right or wrong but how do we fix the problems.
  The song "Imagine" by John Lennon has lyrics that say, "No need for greed or hunger. The brotherhood of man."
   The song "Come Together" by The Beatles has a line that goes, "Come together right now over me."
We could replace "me" in this section of the lyrics with God and even and maybe this a solution to any problem. It wouldn't to try.
    Some of the words of The Our Father prayer are as follows, "To be forgiven our trespasses we forgive those who trespass against us." We may not be able to forget but forgiveness and leads to healing.
    Truly getting together could join us to rebuild our broken down country.
In church we may share the sign of peace with each other is good but actions speak louder than words.
Flashing the peace sign though comforting needs validation which comes with the practice of actually spreading peace.
1st Corinthians 15:58 (Paraphrase)
" Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters be firm, steadfast to the work of God, knowing in the creator your labor is not in vain." 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

"The 1%" (Messages From The Pulpit)

"The poor you will have with you always"
"Easier is it for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than it is for a rich man to pass into the
kingdom of heaven."
"The good shepherd will leave the 99 to go after the the one lost sheep"

Through all of human history the gap between the rich and the poor has been a great fuel for the fire
of human conflict.
Those who have little or nothing have adopted a "it's not fair" attitude toward life.
And I can see why.
Especially here in the United States.
A great throw away society.
People have lost jobs at restaurants for saving discarded food for those who go hungry most of their
Often people with wealth throw away perfectly good furniture simply because they have grown bored
with it.
In order to save a few dollars company’s send jobs overseas while people here lose job opportunities.
A quote from a song by Silverchair says, "You say money isn't everything but I'd love to see you live without it."
But doesn't The Bible teach us that "You cannot serve God and money (paraphrase). "
In recent news there has been The Occupy Movement. It seems that Occupy Wall Street got the fire started.
By occupying Wall Street which is the hub of economic power in The United States.
A large group of disenfranchised young people took up residence on the streets of New York City in what was to be a peaceful protest against how unfair it is that the rich catch all the breaks and refuse to
share the wealth.
The poor are downtrodden and crushed under the feet of "the ruling class." The 1% who own most of
the worlds resources with seeming no regard for those who either struggle to make ends meet.
"If you're not outraged you're not paying attention."
Sadly what was to be a peaceful protest made headlines for stirring up trouble.
The voice of the oppressed turned into a hateful scream. The Occupy movement soon became counter
The cry of injustice had once again fallen on deaf ears.
But who's fault is it?
The bigger question may be, "Does it matter?"
What is accomplished when we fight for peace with acts of war?
People see that often the rich are godless people relying on their wealth.
But that isn't always the case.
What of people who rely on intellect to save them?
Maybe we should rely on faith.
Jesus left the riches of heaven to walk amongst us to teach us what is truly important.
He asked his followers to follow him without money. Without extra clothing. To follow in faith alone.
In the end we all must make an account of our lives.
Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Like sheep we have all gone astray. Rich or poor there is none righteous, no not one.
In the end whether rich or poor will mean nothing. It's what you did with your life that will count.
You can take that to the bank.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Something happened today that I didn't see coming.
Unfortunately God witnessed the whole thing.
I went to church. I enjoyed the message.
I received Communion.
I went to the library.
Then it happened.
There was a group of "street preachers" right near the entrance of Rite Aid where I planned to buy a few items.
These preachers weren't passive. They were "screamers." In other words these men who happen to be large men( who could go toe to toe with any fit defensive lineman in the NFL) . Intimidation not only in stature but how they share The Gospel.
I happened to be wearing a t-shirt proclaiming that Jesus is our best hope in life.
In my head I began to feel that people would associate me with the screaming preachers. So much that I considered going to a different store which is more crowded and in my opinion a somewhat inferior store.
I left the crowded store to shop at Rite Aid despite the proximity of the screaming preachers.
All went well. But when I left the store I felt that every eye were upon me.
I didn't want to be lumped together with the screaming preachers. 'I'm not like them. I'm not one of those Christians.'
It got worse.
While on the bus I noticed a man I knew years ago that was a bit outspoken as a Christian. He is fond of me.
He also brings quite a bit of attention to himself. He'll hear a bit of conversation and if it goes against what The Evangelical Church teaches he'll surely speak up. He can quote scripture chapter and verse.
Again. Shame.
Am I ashamed of The Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Surely not I was wearing a Christian t-shirt.
But what about "being seen" with Christians that are loud and proud.
I ask God to bring people to me to witness to but maybe this was the wake up call I needed to show that I'm not quite as ready as I claim.
I will not give up or beat myself up for this weakness.
God knows my heart. He knows my weakness.
But in Christ my weakness is His strength. And I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
The same can be true for you as well.
Do you know of Jesus but don't really know him?
Do you go to church but aren't sure of whom it is that the church celebrates?
Or maybe like me you know Jesus but would die of embarrassment if a stranger would to start up a conversation began to talk of Heaven and how to avoid Hell?
Open up to God.
You know you have done wrong even if you're unsure of God and who God really is.
Ask forgiveness for your wrong doing. Be humble. Go to a quiet place and cry out to God. He hears us all. He turns NO ONE AWAY.
You may not understand God's ways but I assure you that no one on this planet past, present, or future has all the answers.
With forgiveness you don't need to go to a confessional and ask a priest for absolution.
You can go right to God.
Allow God into your life, into your heart and allow God to cleanse and heal you. To make a new creation.
Allow God to guide you. After you bring Jesus into your life He sends The Holy Spirit as your guide.
A great place in The Bible to start is The Gospel of John and The Book of Romans.
Get to know God via The Holy Spirit. Ask for bravery to share what God is telling you.
This is a prayer I pray every day.
Working with God I will get there.
Someday people will know :
For God's Glory, Not mine.  

Saturday, June 30, 2012

"There's An App For That"

Love 'em or hate 'em computers are everywhere.
Computers used to take up an entire room.
Then came the P.C.
Now we can take our computers everywhere.
We put them in our cars to help us with directions.
We can arm our home security with the touch of a button.
We can even unlock are cars from miles away.
News travels faster than ever before.
Sure there are many advantages of living in the electronic age.
One advantage is how we reach out to the world about God. Without God none of this would be possible.
So why not use the information super highway to spread His word.
Setting up this blog didn't take long at all.
I connect with Facebook friends and they get to see what God is doing in my life.
We can share our testimony. It's much simpler than you think.
You don't need to have eloquent speech.
Moses tried to use his lack of speaking skills to get out of rescuing The Hebrew Slaves from Egypt. So God provided Aaron to be the spokesperson.
It's much easier to reach out to people all over the world. I suppose you can be a missionary right in the comfort of your own home.
It's not being lazy, it's being creative.
Before computers were everywhere God was everywhere.
Before computers gave directions. The Word of God and The Spirit of God gave us direction.
Before push button security there was security brought to us by relying on God and God alone.
High speed internet is nothing compared to how fast God works in our lives.
We may find answers easier on search engines than we may find answers to why our prayers aren't answered the way we'd like them to be.
But when you walk with God our hindsight is better than 20/20. Far better than IMAX 3-D.
When you have God's vision for your life you'll have more than just word of mouth or the internet at your hands.
You'll have His entire Kingdom.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

"Branches" (Messages From The Pulpit)

So often The Bible speaks of trees, branches, fruit, and roots.
After the world was flooded and The Ark finally landed on dry land we know the story about Noah sending a dove out with an olive branch. These days we come to link doves and olive branches as a sign of peace.
Doves are also carry great weight as symbols in The Bible.
Doves were often offered as a sacrifice of purity.
A dove came down from the heavens during The Baptism of Jesus. A voice from Heaven said about Jesus,
"This is my Son in whom I am well pleased."
Imagery of doves comes again at The Day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit came into the Upper Room in the
form of a dove.
Before Jesus ascended into Heaven promised to send a new comforter. That comforter was The Holy Spirit. Jesus is said to be the Prince of Peace. So as the third person of The Holy Trinity, The Holy Spirit is poured out upon us. To bring us comfort and peace.
Isaiah 53: 5 "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him. And by His stripes we are healed."
This verse from Isaiah 53 is a prophetic vision of what Jesus would accomplish as he somehow endured His
Passion. The ultimate sacrifice for purity. The ultimate sacrifice for peace.
As Christians our roots should be based on The Word of God which feeds us more than any morsel of food that comes from the earth and prepared by human hands.
When we drink of the living water that pours from The Heart of Jesus. From His wounded side where blood and water spilled from our Savior, Jesus Christ.
A water that feeds the seed of faith that The Holy Spirit alone can plant in our hearts. Even with the faith as small as a mustard seed we can do great things through Him that strengthens us.
If Jesus is our true vine then us being the branches of Jesus and if we run from the sin that so easily ensnares us we will produce a great harvest.
A harvest soon to be collected. A harvest of souls who seek forgiveness and eternal rest with Jesus whom brings a peace that passes all human understanding.
A harvest which has it's roots in Jesus. In a world where if you take a little time to look around you'll see signs of our creators handy work.
The wonders of the sea. The beauty that is spread throughout the world. Everything from the plants and trees to all the animals we see. Many of these animals are symbols of God's being.
The Lion, The Lamb, and The Dove. Body, Soul, and Mind. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

"Allergy Season" Messages From The Pulpit

We have all seen Dandelions and many people confuse them with flowers. In fact they are weeds.
In general weeds choke out what else might have grown there including healthy grass.
Weeds appear in spring. Let me compare weeds to sin.
As with the Dandelions many weeds are pleasing to the eye. Other flowers are also attached to thorns.
Including roses.
And like these plants sin also catches our eyes. We get closer unaware to the dangers of sin. Sin can be very alluring. They draw us with the false beauty and empty promises or even benefits. Some plants actually produce deadly poison.
All sin when fully grown gives birth to death.
As with plants that produce pollen that can cause our eyes to become sticky, itchy, and fill our eyes
with tears. This can cause us trouble with our vision. Trying to wipe our eyes we become distracted.
Sin is our greatest distraction. We rub our eyes and hope to overcome the effects of sin. Nonetheless
we keep coming back to what we know to be bad for us and breathe deep the sweet smell of the sin that so easily ensnares us.
The Devil also comes to us in the disguise of a beautiful angel. In fact Satan was once the chief of all the angels, the most beautiful angel in Heaven. He was known as the Angel of Light. He is know the
the Angel of Darkness. He was tempted by power and vanity. He thought that he could rise above God.
He sought to set his throne at the pinnacle of the mount of Heaven.
Satan was cast out along with one third of the angels. Now he roams the earth seeking whom he may
The great thing is The Angels of The Lord outnumber all the wicked spirits 2 to 1. And if we run to
The Lord, He will give His angels charge over us.
Just as angels lead people to the crib of Jesus.
Jesus who wandered the the wilderness searching His lost sheep.
He who full of the knowledge that he was to die a brutal death to save all of mankind for sins that He
never committed. He went to a garden to ask The Father the strength needed to carry out His mission,
the mission of forgiveness and salvation.
Jesus was arrested, betrayed by his close friend Judas. His disciples abandoned Him as we nailed to
a execution devise constructed of wood, the tree of Calvary.
That very cross is the cure of all our temptations and the sin they produce. The cross leads us all to
eternal life spent in the glorious presence of our creator. A presence first felt in The Garden of Eden.
Eden which was earthy paradise we lost. But the paradise we share with God far surpasses anything
created here in out temporary home among the thorns. Our place in heaven secured by the savior who
was crowned with thorns.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Are You Insane?" Messages From The Pulpit

Many people have asked many questions about Jesus.
Including "Who do you say that Jesus is?"
St. Peter answered "You are The Christ, The Messiah, The Son of God."
I recently  read a novel based on the life of Jesus.
It was a great novel. It got me to ask myself, "Would I have followed Jesus with all the claims that he made?"
One thing stood out to me. Jesus spoke of "eating his flesh and drinking his blood" at that point I scratched my head and can honestly say, I'm not so sure.
I have doubts once in a while and I can't see him. (I admit my doubts have nearly disappeared)
But what if I had been there walking with him?
In the heat of persecution would I have denied knowing him when things got rough?
Would I walk away in shame as I watched him die upon the cross?
Would I join in mocking him? Would I have said, "Physician heal thyself. Come down from that cross and show the world that you are indeed The Son of God."
Would I deny Christ?
At this point of my life I would deny Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Even unto torture or death.
Jesus said, "If you deny me before men I will deny you before The Father."
I hope that when my judgment comes God will say, "Well done good and faithful servant."
The Bible says, "The message of The Cross is foolishness to those who are dying."
Dying from the ravages of sin. A blindness of the reality of the sting of death that comes from an unwillingness to admit that we have done wrong and need to repent. We may say, "God loves everyone surely He won't bring me to eternal punishment." But what's the big deal?
Not admitting that you have sinned is like saying that you can do no wrong.
It's between you and God. No one else needs to know what wrong you have done. God knows and is not willing that any one should parish. Once God forgives ANY sin it is erased from his memory.
Another question is would you betray Jesus as Judas did?
You might say surely not. Are you sure?
People sell out every day.
Maybe you hang with friends that openly mock Christians. You not only deny Christ but you join in.
You point out the flaws of The Christian/ Catholic Church.
You claim contradictions found in The Bible.
You mock "Jesus Freaks."
Need I say more.
Will you choose popularity or truth?
No Christians aren't perfect. But The one who started it all is.
You would be insane for not following The Spirit of the one true and living God.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

"Extreme Makeover" (Messages From The Pulpit)

Tobit 13:10
(Apocryphal Book of The Bible)
"Give thanks to the Lord with righteousness, and bless the King of the ages, so that your tabernacle may be rebuilt in you with joy."
Someways to restore a structure is to start from scratch. Especially when the structure has been burned down or severely damaged in a raging storm. Their may be a shell but repairs need to be done.
Often we need to reinvent ourselves. Sometimes all new designs for our lives are needed. All new, stronger materials are needed. But if we try to do the work ourselves our lives will crumble just as fast as what we started with. 
We should look to the master craftsman. The one who created the best materials from his own imagination. 
Psalm 127: 1
"Unless the Lord build the house they labor in vain who build. Unless the Lord guard the city, in vain
does the guard keep watch."
  Isaiah 28:16
" Therefore, thus says the Lord God: See, I am laying a stone [ in Zion], a stone that has been tested,
A precious cornerstone as a sure foundation; whoever puts faith in it will not waver."
In Matthew 21:42 Jesus refers to himself as " the stone that builders rejected that became the cornerstone."
So if we have destroyed our lives, for example drug abuse can do untold damage to our bodies, minds, and spirits. We may not know who to turn to to get the help and healing we need. One plea will always be heard. When we cry out to God. He is faithful and just to begin the work He begun in us.
Jesus was rejected. Jesus was destroyed. He was resurrected and his body transformed and glorified.
He promises that all who believe in him will one day be made brand new.
Cry out to the Lord and he will hear you. He alone wipes away the stains of sin created by our past.
Maybe you are someone who has gone through the floods and fires of life and know someone who's life is in utter ruin. You can call upon your new found strength to help bind up the fractures caused by life when you partner who got you through your darkest days. 
From Tobit we see that our tabernacle can be rebuilt with joy. The joy of the Lord is our strength. God is our rock, our high tower and our fortress. God is the ultimate security force. When we focus on the Lord we can see what's coming. Together you can prepare for what the enemy of our souls is sooner or later going to throw our way. 
Ephesians 6: 13-17 Tells us about the weapons of our warfare which we are to use against the kingdom of evil. A spiritual battle, not one fought in flesh and blood. Here is a list of the pieces of armor given to us by God.
Helmet of Salvation
Breastplate of Righteousness
Belt of Truth
Our feet shod with the Preparation of The Gospel of Peace
The Shield of Faith
The Sword of the Spirit. (the word of the Lord)
Trust in God. Allow renewal. Remember when we are weak He is strong.

Monday, February 6, 2012

"Picking Up and Dusting Off" (Messages From The Pulpit)

Mark 1: 30-31
"Simon's mother-in law lay sick with a fever. They immediately told him ( Jesus) about her. He
approached, grasped her hand, and helped her up. Then the fever broke and she waited on them."
This is an interesting passage. Here we have a woman who had been sick. Then Jesus comes along and
she is healed. He helps her up and she goes to work. 
  Sometimes we need a "pick me up."
We may be sick, depressed, addicted, angry, or a number of different issues may be hanging around
When we get in such states we often sit in our misery and at best muddle through life half dead.
We may get used to being depressed and the thought of moving forward may frighten us so much that
the safety of being "in a rut" isn't as bad as trying and failing.
We get so caught up with the idea of failure we unwillingly brush aside the idea that we may indeed
discover our greatest success.
We need to seek help. No one, not even Jesus could go it alone. 
Mark 1: 35
"Rising very early before dawn, he (Jesus) left and went off to a deserted place where he prayed."
This is just one of many times we see that Jesus going off alone to pray. 
Without God nothing , not even things we may take for granted including every breath would be possible.
    In times of need we must call upon our creator who loves us beyond human measure. He who healed the sick, walked on water, calmed storms with a simple command, multiplied food enough to feed 5,000 people, drove out demons, died and rose from the dead, defeating the devil forever. He was God in human form. He gave himself up to death, even death on a cross, numbered among sinners to be a ransom for sins he never committed. 
Yes even Jesus needed to pray. As a child he had to know the law and the prophets and he confounded the wisdom of men. 
We too need to pray. St. Paul said we are to pray without ceasing. That may seem impossible but it
gets easier with practice. Admitting weakness also gets easier in time.
So call upon Jesus. Don't be too prideful to ask for help. Pride goes before a fall. 
And like Simon's mother-in-law in weakness Jesus will come, lift us up, and then it's up to us to get back to work. Whether our weakness is physical, emotional, and/or spiritual Jesus has the cure. 

His touch heals us. And then the healing mission God has given each and every one of us can continue or in some cases, begin.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

"Just One Word" (Messages From The Pulpit)

2 Timothy 1: 6-8(a)
"For this reason, I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God that you that you have through the
imposition of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love
and self control. So do not be ashamed of your testimony to our Lord,"
God has given each of us a message to share with the world.
For Christians it's the message of the good news of the saving, healing power that God brings through His word and inspiration of The Holy Spirit.
But like me maybe you've been fearful to share the power of God that resides in your heart.
Maybe you're afraid that what God has put in your heart will fall on deaf ears or that you'll be laughed
Those are legit fears. But as the scripture tells us that God hasn't given us the spirit of fear but that of
power and love and self control. 
All of these things go well together.
Without fear you will have power to share God's love. Having self control we have what we need to
share His healing words without putting our personal twist on His truth. That you won't taint what the
spirit is speaking through you without prejudice about that person or group of people. 
After all life and death is in the power of the tongue. With the love and zeal of the spirit you can open
prison doors. You can reach the unreachable. You can touch the untouchable. You can share love with
people who believe that their unlovable. After all when God is in us love is in us and God is love.
"All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
   Sometimes all it takes is for us to start with "Hello." It starts with small talk. How's the weather..How about such and such a team..Did you hear about...? It can begin just that simply.
Sometimes strangers feel more comfortable opening up their hearts to strangers than opening up to friends and family. All that may be needed is for you to lend a sympathetic ear if only for a few moments. God may then open the door for you to witness to that stranger. Maybe not the "full blown" word of God but maybe a word that comes from the Spirit. Maybe a word of prayer. Or perhaps leading that person to the forgiveness and eternal life that God offers all those who are open to God's plan of salvation.
Maybe speaking one on one with someone just doesn't seem possible no matter how much you have prayed for courage.
When you see a person in need you can pray for them. It may be silent but God hears all our prayers. He will never push you beyond your limits. God will send the right person to that person He always has a plan.
  Maybe you have witnessed to people about the saving grace of God but they haven't responded. Maybe
they have. You cannot see the work God is doing in a person. Don't be discouraged. 
   Even with this very blog, I don't know who may be reading it. But I have hope that all who do read it will walk away with at the spark they need to contemplate what God may be saying to them through the words He has given me to share in a way that can reach many more people than I thought possible.
Together we can save the world. One soul at a time.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

"Your Servant Is Listening" (Messages From The Pulpit)

1 Samuel 3: 1-10
"The Lord came and stood there, calling out as before: 'Samuel, Samuel !' Samuel answered,
"Speak Lord, your servant is listening."
Do you hear The Lord calling you? Or are you like Samuel in verse 7 of the text?
Verse 7 says, "Samuel did not recognize the Lord, since the word of the Lord had not yet been
revealed to him."
  So maybe the Lord is speaking to you and you do not yet know His voice.
Samuel had been speaking to the prophet Eli. Eli knew the Lord. He guided Samuel.
Jeremiah 23: 4
" I will raise up shepherds for them who will shepherd them ( the lost and scattered sheep) so they need
no longer fear or be terrified; none shall be missing."
  Maybe you came from a church that wasn't a place of nurturing. Maybe you're parents made you go to
church but never felt at home. In the long run you made a decision that church wasn't for you.
I can identify with that situation. Lucky enough for me I had come to know the voice of the Lord. He kept calling me. He never gave up on me. 
He hasn't given up on you. He is speaking but maybe you're not sure it's God that is speaking to you.
I recommend sitting alone and just listening. 
  Revelation 3:20
" Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will enter his
house and dine with him, and he with me."
God wants to spend time with you. He wants to teach His ways and His will. The resources available to guide us to know what God is saying are virtually endless. For Christians the most obvious is The Bible. There are even books which contain just The Psalms and The Gospel of John. The Gospel of John is one of the most effective tools used to help people know the Lord better.
You may also want to read The Book of Romans. At least to begin with.
After all in the first chapter of The Gospel of John we learn that we learn that Jesus The Living Word of God came into the world. And that through Him all things were made. Including every man woman and child that ever was, is, and is to come. That means you!
Jeremiah 1: 4-5
"The word of the Lord came to me. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you."
  He knows and loves you. God didn't drop you on the earth just to leave you to wander aimlessly. He is speaking to you. But what will you do with what He tells you? Will you be like Samuel looking for guidance? Eli, who was filled with many gifts as a prophet knew the Lord. By knowing the Lord he was able to direct Samuel to hear from God. 
So maybe you are to be like Eli. Maybe the more time you spend with God the more you'll know His word and thus get to know His will and maybe you can help someone answer the call of the Lord in their lives.
  Maybe we'll be like Moses who was afraid to speak to Pharaoh to demand he set God's people out of slavery. Moses was afraid. He was afraid because in a sense he couldn't speak with grace and authority. So guess what? God provided Moses with a companion and spokesperson. That man's name was Aaron. God will provide every tool we need to accomplish the work he set before us. 
Perhaps through us we can be people sent to set people free from slavery. From the sin that so easily ensnares us.
We can be a voice crying in the desert, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord."
After all we often go through times of dryness and famine. We all go through times we feel alone and thirsty as if wandering in the desert. And as a deer thirsts for water so our souls seeks after the living water which flows from the heart of God Himself. Unlike natural water when we partake of the refreshing water that God provides we are satisfied. 
The Bible if full of warnings about being careful what we say. Because power of life and death are in the tongue. Another well know saying tells us that what we speak or how we speak reveals what's in our hearts. 
One harsh word can lead to destruction. But if we speak healing and grace then healing and grace will abound in our lives. So if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all. Antone who speaks evil against his brother or sister is in darkness. You can't speak evil and be a servant of God because there is no darkness in God. 
So open your heart to God. Don't judge Him based on hurts of the past that may have come from the mouths of parents, siblings, teachers, friends, or even men and women "of the cloth." If a person who is meant to represent God as a minister, pastor, or priest remind yourself that people aren't perfect. However, God is perfect and He alone is Holy without blemish.
  We are to rejoice with each other when we go to The House of the Lord also known as Church. We aren't to follow a religion but we're to follow after the Lord. He will guide to a place of communion. Even if you're confined to your home there are great resources on TV and the Internet such as church services being televised or perhaps streaming on websites.
So open yourself to what God has to say about what you're called to do. Keep an open mind. God is everywhere and you may find him in a place that you least expect.
Even in church.

Monday, January 9, 2012

"Gaudy or godly?" (Messages From The Pulpit)

1 Chronicles 29: 1-14
This passage of scripture talks about elaborate price and plans for a new temple set up by King David.
When you read through the passage and read of the sacrifices people made to build such a place was
quite high in relation to the cost of materials. 
The tail end of verse one says, " the work however, is great, for this palace is not meant for human beings, but for God."
Look at verse 9. " The people rejoiced over these free-will offerings, for they had been contributed to The Lord wholeheartedly. King David also rejoiced greatly."
Maybe you attend a church that has great marble pillars. Great statues of saints. Dramatic wood carvings which may include elaborate depictions of the Crucifixion of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
  Maybe your go to a "Mega-Church" with seating for at least 1,000 people. Maybe you use PowerPoint
to put the words of the worship songs on towering screens. Some Mega-Churches even house coffee shops as well as gift shops.
Maybe your church takes place in a small former store front. You may be reminded not to despise small beginnings. 
Maybe you have church in your living room and you cram as many people as possible in the space just to be in the presence of God with other believers.
And in places like China where religion is banned a small space might not be the only issue. You may be risking your life to share your faith.
Here's the important question, what is the spirit of the place you go to worship?
What is the leadership dedicated to? Are you in a place that despite you're best intentions is a "den of thieves." The message is what can your money do for me instead of what does your attendance mean to the Kingdom of God?
Where do tithes and offerings go?
Do you give out of obligation or are you a cheerful giver who expects that your donation to go to the spreading of The Good News of The Gospel of Jesus Christ?
The most important question that goes along with this question is your reasons for going to church in the first place.
Are you someone who goes to church on Christmas and Easter which is a miracle in itself?
Maybe you make donations for tax refunds or to get your name on a pew. I hope not.
After all our bodies are to be the Temple of The Holy Spirit.
Is your outward appearance all for show? Or is your entire being a place that represents the one true and living God? 
Maybe you should look at your lease and see if your keeping your temporary residence clean and welcoming for our creator.
God made us from dust and brought to life with his breath.
Is this temple filthy and filled with false idols?
Is the foundation solid or is crumbling?
Is your temple being destroyed by drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, pornography, or decay from other addictions that eat away at your soul like termites? 
I challenge you to allow the ultimate health inspector to take a look at you body, soul, and mind. God can repair any damage done.
We must be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
You were be built to be beautiful in the eyes of The Lord.
The bill for bringing us up to code was paid for by the blood, sweat, and tears of Jesus Christ. The cornerstone the builders rejected.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"Good And Faithful Servant" (Messages From The Pulpit)

John 1: 29-34
This passage of scripture has so much great content. But there is one thing that sticks out to me from my very own baptism.
I was about 15 years old at the time. I was on a summer "get away" with the church I called home at the time. I had fire in my soul and wanted to bring people to God's saving grace. I wanted to be used by God to bring people to forgiveness, healing, wisdom,and everything that God could pour into me to share with others including the message of Salvation and Eternal Life. (by the way I still desire all of these things)
Anyway, I had accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. And in baptism I was showing not just God but all who were witnesses on that day that I was declaring my identity as a follower of Christ.
Baptism in water is symbolic of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
Going into the water I declared to die to sin. To repent and turn from all sin. Not to be fearful of God when I sin. Just go to God with a humble heart and ask forgiveness but only if I am truly sorry for what I have done and promise that to the best of my ability to never enter into sin again.
While submerged in the water my old self dies. I put on the new self. That I not only read God's Word and go to church but to represent the Kingdom of God.
And then I arise from the water washed of my sins with the promise of The Holy Spirit to guide me through my entire life.
That happened. I came out of the water with my hands raised above my head in a gesture of victory.
Then as I grabbed my towel and spoke of my experience to friends and family one of the church elders came up to me with a message.
This elder is well known for his great use of the gift of prophecy. Mostly in the realm of personal prophecy as well as prophecy directed toward the church.
This wonderful man of God told me something profound and a bit shocking.
He told me that when I emerged from the water he saw a vision of The Holy Spirit descend upon me as a dove (As described in the scripture ) and that God had sealed me with an anointing. And that on the day I came face to face with God on the Day of Judgment He would say to me "Well done good and faithful servant."
That was a lot to take in. And today as I read the account of the Baptism of Our Lord I was filled with The Presence of God.
I began to wonder about what that elder said to me. For most of my life I sure didn't live anything that resembled a godly life. Quite the opposite. I'll spare you the details.
But as I grew older and wiser I realized that I wasn't living up to my potential. But God got a hold of me and put some sense into my head. Sure I've jumped from church to church but God never abandoned me and He never will.
So now I'm chasing my calling.
I'm in school to get my Associates Degree in Substance Abuse Counseling.
I have found my soul mate.
My heart has been re-kindled with the zeal of The Holy Spirit.
I have never been so peaceful in all my life.
I daily lift my hands in praise to God.
My prayer life has become richer and regular.
I read God's Word every day.
I go to church as often as possible, sometimes more than once a week.
And as I write these posts I hope that someone even just one person is blessed and encouraged by them.
Once again I sense the pain of those around me.
Whether it be at home.
In my neighborhood.
On the bus.
At school.
At church.
Or when God places someone in my heart including strangers and friends I've lost touch with.
I might not ever walk on water. I may never lay hands on the sick and see them healed before my very eyes. I'm not a prophet. I may never raise the dead but I do have something to offer.
I offer whatever God has given to me to share with the world.
The most important part is that I focus on my creator. The one who saved not only my life but the lives of all who call upon The Name of The Lord.
He will never leave me nor forsake me.
He'll guide me through the flood waters and fire.
I don't boast about anything I have done.
I boast in the one who breathes life into my lungs every morning.
For I can do nothing without Him.
But I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.
You can too. You are here for a reason. You may never see what that reason is. But I assure you if you live for the Kingdom of God one day no matter how many times you mess up, if you keep your eyes on God, sit quietly and listen to what He speaks in your heart then when it's you're turn to stand before God he will say,
"Well done good and faithful servant."

Monday, January 2, 2012

"The Art of Comparison" (Messages from the pulpit)

There is a great piece of advice that has been going around. 
In the midst of a bad or even horrible day imagine the everyday lives of those less fortunate than you.
  If you hate your job imagine what it's like not to have work at all.
If you feel frustrated about a leaky roof and a flooded basement image being homeless.
The co-pays of medicine are outrageous. Imagine not having any medicine. When a simple cut that goes untreated can cost you a finger or even a limb.
You have eating Raman Noodles every day. Imagine hunting rats in the garbage heap some people call home. Or a bowl of rice a day is a luxury.
You struggle to pay tuition. Some people will never have a chance at school, college or otherwise. A lack of education leads to a lack of ambition and no hope for a better life. to a lack of ambition and no hope for a better life. 
The list goes on and on. 
Great advice to be sure. But let me take this idea in an other direction.
You sit at home on SSI scraping whatever you can together to make ends meet. You hear a billionaire
complain about loosing a million dollars in the stock market.
You think to yourself how horrible it is for someone who has more than enough money to last a lifetime
worry about loosing what may seem like pocket change to a billionaire. That is a valid thought. But what might be going through the mind of that billionaire?
Lets say that billionaire only knows luxury. Lets say that he built his wealth from nothing. His business sense and hard work got him to where he is today.
His family may have lost everything in the great depression. Now in the current state of the economy this billionaire looses a million dollars and fears that he too could loose all that he has. He is afraid if such a thing were to occur he wouldn't know how to survive on business sense alone.
He might not posses the skills to go from rags to riches. His business acumen might not be enough this time. He lacks the street smarts to start at the bottom. He might have to learn a whole new set of skills just to get a job.
You work downtown. Everywhere you go you run into homeless people begging for change. It disgusts you. You tell them (sometimes out loud) to get a job.
You fail to get to know why this homeless person is in the state that he is. You may even have something in common. You are both alcoholics. The difference is that you can function with exceptional grace and skill on the job and this lowly man couldn't cut it as an alcoholic and a person with a good job. 
Maybe people see you as being rich. Even if you do live week to week check to check. They dream of living in a house. A place that has a roof. A place that has heating and electric. You complain that you don't have nice clothes to go see the opera. But to that person outside your world having clean clothes would be amazing.
Celebrities cry. The rich feel empty. People in power constantly worry. 
We're all in this together. Rich or poor. Hungry or full. Warm or cold.
Work together with all we have and maybe someday things will seem a bit more balanced. Maybe the world will be a better place.