Thursday, October 27, 2011

"Why did God choose Salvation through The Crucifixion of His Son?"

Romans 8:31-34
People sometimes wonder why an all loving God would send His Son to die for no sins of His own.
He was crucified. On top of the beatings, scourging, and being crowned with thorns. He was spit on and mocked. If you have watched the movie, "The Passion of The Christ" you have a glimpse at what Jesus suffered to save our lives. We're sinners (redeemed sinners) He never sinned.
So why couldn't God find a peaceful way to save our souls?
Well God sent Jesus to be a human representation of God. The human bridge between us and God.
Jesus came as an infant. He learned as a child. Despite being God he was also man and even though He is all knowing he showed us that we too have to learn as much as we can in our lives.
With his human step father, Joseph he learned a hard work ethic.
Like us He faced temptation.
Even without sin He showed us humility by being baptized. Again a great example of how we are to persue holiness.
He faced the troubles of persecution.
He was betrayed.
He faced the agony of knowing He was about to endure the torment of dying on a cross.
He felt abandoned by God.
He died.
He even decended into Hell. Where He sought souls to save.
But He was raised from the dead.
So in most of those ways we go through the same things. There it is!
How easy would it be to follow someone who knows nothing of the human condition?
I assume for many of us it might be impossible.
He even looked into the depths of Hell. All so we wouldn't have to.
And as He was raised to Heaven after His earthly ministry so shall all of us who trust in Him.
But He didn't leave us with nothing.
He sent The Holy Spirit so His presence could be carried through out all the earth and be poured out on all mankind.
And if God is with us in unity with The Holy Spirit we can continue what He started.
God is truly everywhere.
If God is love than the troubles of the world can be faced with love.
The Holy Spirit was sent as a new comforter. We can comfort those who mourn.
Matthew 5:3-4
"Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they who mourn for they will be comforted."
And as Jesus faced the agony in the garden He sought God's will, not His own.
And with us we will face answers to prayer and the result may seem like a slap in the face. We will go through our darkest hours that are evil and what was meant for evil will be for the greater good.
It hurts that some of our trials may not make sense to us in our life on earth but they are not wasted.
Don't take my word on it.
Take God's Word on it.
It's The Gospel Truth.

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