Thursday, December 22, 2011

"Jump for Joy" (Messages from the pulpit)

Luke 1:39-45
In this passage of scripture Mary who is carrying Jesus in her womb visits her cousin Elizabeth who is carrying John The Baptist in her womb. Mary's voice has quite the effect.
The baby in Elizabeth's womb jumps for joy.
Many people have said that this is a somewhat absurd story. Why? I'm sure it may have happened.
Do you get excited when your best friend is visiting from out of town?
Maybe go the extra mile to tidy up the house?
Perhaps you plan on making your friends favorite meal.
Does your heart rate speeds up when your beloved soul mate come home? 
Maybe during the holidays you get excited to spend the day with your family who truly loves you despite some quarrels here and there.
Think about this:
Even cats and dogs jump for joy when their owners come home. In my own life as soon as I come home the cats I live with jockey for position to get time on my lap.
So why not consider what The Gospel of Luke says about the joy that comes upon Elizabeth and her son sense the presence of the Son of God?
If we are gentle in spirit, joyful, happy, light hearted, friendly, and filled with the spirit of God then perhaps people including strangers will light up when we pass by.
The Holy presence of God can light up the darkest of days, the darkest of hearts, in the darkest corners of the world.
The joy of the Lord has become my strength. 
I get excited when I hear an encouraging word whispered in my ear by the Holy Spirit whether in quiet meditation or while listening to the words of a sermon.
I nearly jump for joy when I wait in glorious anticipation to receive Holy Communion.
So jump for joy. God is always near.

Monday, December 19, 2011

"Career Advice" (Messages from the pulpit)

What will it cost you to fulfill your call in life?
Will you need a degree?
If so how will you pay for college?
Is there financial aid available or will you have to pay out of pocket?
Taking classes takes a toll on your energy levels especially if you go full time and go to work.
Will your school of choice take you out of the area leaving your friends and family behind?
There are so many questions to ask. One of the most important being will the challenges of your choices bring you fulfillment?
What choices and challenges did Mother Mary have to face knowing she had been chosen to give birth to Jesus?
What would Joseph think? Would he really believe that Mary would be a virgin when she gave birth?
Think about it.
Only a man whom truly trusts God and trusts his wife would believe that The Holy Spirit would be responsible for bringing Jesus into her womb. That took strength. How many men today would believe such a thing? I fear most would say she has to be lying. Surely Mary had been with another man. That wasn't the case. The purity of Mary caught God's eye and he chose her as the vessel to bring The Savior of the entire human race into the world.
It could have cost Mary, Joseph, and their unborn son their lives.
What about pressure?
In all of our lives there is and will be pressure.
Working or not.
Healthy or sick.
Alone or surrounded by friends and family.
Imagine being Mary.
She had to think:
Will I be a good mother? Will I be a good wife? Can Joseph and I really do this?
Are we good enough to raise The Son of God?
Can we keep him safe?
Now imagine being Mary as she watches her son die on the cross.
I know wonderful women that have had to deal with the death of a child.
It breaks my heart when I see what they are going through.
What's worse is that in the story of Mary she knew that her son Jesus had been abandoned by his closest friends. Only John stuck it out.
She heard Jesus ask His Father in Heaven why He had forsaken him.
After all Jesus was innocent. He did not commit one single crime.
So the cost of our salvation was paid in full by Jesus.
What is our cost to follow Jesus?
Are we able to face God and admit our sins? It takes courage to face things we are ashamed of.
Are we willing to testify about Jesus before man as Jesus desires to testify on our behalf before The Father?
Are we willing to let go of the sins that so easily ensnare us?
For some it may mean admitting that we are powerless over drugs and or alcohol.
Maybe we must face consequences for our actions which may include jail time.
Maybe our circle of friends need to change. We may even have to start all over. It's tough. I know.
Maybe you'll have to step out in faith knowing that God has a plan. Even when you have no idea whatsoever that plan may be.
You may have to a long lonely road if you feel God calling you to religious life.
Such as becoming a Catholic Priest.
It's 8 years of school. It's adjusting to the life as you wait to take on the full duties of being a parish priest.
It's a 24/7 on call job.
Plus you can't get married.
Obviously I could go on and on about all of life's choices.
My advice:
Lean not on your own understanding. Go to the source of all knowledge.
Seek wise counsel from God.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Many Promise, Few Follow Through" (Messages from the pulpit)

Matthew 21: 28-32
This passage tells a story of 2 sons. The father asks his first son to go out into the vineyard to work. At first the son thinks about it. His initial re-action is to decline but after some thought the first son changes his mind and decides to work in the vineyard.
The second son promises to work the fields for his father but doesn't follow through. 
The passage goes further to say that tax collectors (which in those days were very greedy and dishonest) and prostitutes followed Jesus without hesitation. These people have been seen as the worst
of humanity. But Jesus turns no one away. All one needs to do is come with a humble heart and ask
forgiveness for your sins and then do what it takes to follow after the ways of God. 
Then look at Luke 15: 11-32
This parable tells of 2 sons. Both are given an inheritance one son takes his inheritance and squanders it. Even though he is filled with shame of being penniless to the point eating scraps of food with swine. He doesn't even feel worthy of such. With no other choice the son returns to his father for even the slimmest chance of being the lowliest of servants. Much to the surprise of the prodigal son his father welcomes him back with a wonderful extravagant feast. 
  Do you ever feel so ashamed of mistakes you've made that you couldn't possibly return to the Grace of
Well to be perfectly honest and blunt that is nonsense.
Psalm 136:1 "Praise The Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever."
God will not turn you away. After all John 3:17 says, For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but that through him the world would be saved."
Pride not only goes before a fall it seems that pride can prevent us from getting back up, dusting ourselves off and getting back on track.
There is no sin too great that God will not wipe out.
Anyone who has spent time with God knows that when we separate ourselves from the loving presence of God our lives become empty. Eventually we become convinced that we're too far gone. That it doesn't matter.
But speaking out of personal experience I know that when you put your pride aside and get back into the loving arms of God. 
We can do it one on one at home but often going to a place of worship where we can join with people who most likely have gone through the same exact thing. 
As believers we are a community of people that come together for the purpose of serving God. For the benefit of everyone that God has given us to bless in his name.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"Who's To Blame?" (Messages from the pulpit)

When we fail we look to find the root of blame. We've all heard of the saying, "The Devil made me do it."
Well the devil may have shown you one way to go and God has shown us another way to go but ultimately the choice is ours.
We may say, "My parents made me this way." Maybe our parents didn't raise us 'right'. Even mental illness or alcoholism can be passed down or at the very least the odds can be stacked against us but it's up to us to walk away. To put down the drink. To seek help.
In my years growing up my father was verbally, physically, and sexually abusive to me. He was a womanizer. The pain he caused me and my mom drove me to hate him.
Then I realized that hating him wasn't helping. Dealing with the pain he caused and making sure I didn't turn out like him was the answer.
And now as he looks down from Heaven and I'm sure he's proud to see how I turned out.
I'm not a womanizer and have found my soul mate. In fact my attitude concerning women is one of respect.
I could have let the 'I'll never amount to anything' message keep me from my dreams. But I didn't and with the support of my girlfriend and her family I'm on my way to getting my Associates Degree in Substance Abuse Counseling.
It doesn't matter whom we blame. The fact remains that we ALL have fallen short of the Glory of God.
God knew full well that even with our best intentions and our best sacrifices we wouldn't make it to Heaven.
But nonetheless God loves us too much to send us away without help.
God sent his only begotten son as a sacrifice for us. His blood washes away all of our sins. All we have to do to begin our journey to Heaven is to believe in the one sent from Heaven. We can trust in The Lord Jesus Christ. Just call out to him. Ask him into your heart. He won't turn you away.
Maybe your own father has turned you away. But God NEVER will. He sent Jesus to seek and save the lost.
It doesn't end there.
You must be sincere in your willingness to turn from sin.
Saying sorry is meaningless unless you change the actions that caused you to say sorry in the first place.
We might not all have the same religious background. We might not go to church. But God is everywhere. But you have to open the door if you want him in your life.
He won't force himself upon you. You have to invite him in.
Try not to hold painful experiences that people caused you in the name of God keep you away.
God's not to blame for what others do when they twist His words for their purpose.
It's not God's fault.
And you can call upon Jesus who not only died for our sins, he also faced sin when he went into the desert to face Satan while He (Jesus) fasted for 40 days.
Jesus' weapon against Satan was The Word of God. Even when Satan used scripture to try to trip Jesus up it didn't work because Jesus knew the scripture far more than the devil does.
Even if you don't know scripture well or at all when you invite Jesus into your heart you're inviting the one that scripture revolves around.
We all have access to The Holy Spirit.
But you have to work with God against the tempter. Together you can stand against sin.
After all God's desire is that no one faces eternal punishment. The punishment has been paid for. When you accept Jesus you can stand blameless before God.

Then their will be no sin to cast blame upon.

Monday, November 21, 2011

"Backstage Pass"

Luke 19: 1-6
This passage tells of a man, Zaccheaus who due to his short stature, had to climb a tree in order to get just a glimpse of Jesus. Many people say that Jesus was the original celebrity. The gospels say many times say that He was pressed on all sides. This passage is just one example. Despite his short stature Zaccheaus stands out. Jesus noticed the zeal of Zaccheaus and called to him and asked to stay with him.
The passage states how excited Zaccheaus that Jesus called out to him despite the throng of people in the crowd.
I've read this passage more than once in my life and yet the excitement of Zaccheaus stood out this time.
It made me think of different things. In this holiday season I thought about kids at Christmas getting excited about seeing Santa at the local mall. Even if it means standing in line to sit on Santa's lap to
tell him what they want for Christmas.
Another type of excitement is when a person gets a chance to go backstage to spend time with their favorite rock star/ band.
One of the newest forms of mass excitement is when people wait in line for days to buy the latest electronic gadget that promises the most up to date features and even though the newest iPad isn't going to go out of stock, and the current model is better than people really need people still get a rush when they acquire the newest model.
It's great to see people get excited about Jesus especially in a world where many people don't get excited about spending time with God.
After all you can't see God. You can't chat with Him online. You can't send Him a text.
But one of the many great things about God is He's everywhere. He's always available. The only thing you need to talk to God is...your heart and soul. And He can provide the best in updated data plans.
There is a free unlimited minute plan. You don't need a cell tower. God is always in range. Just open your heart. There are great APPS that come with an open heart toward God. Tools to enhance your experience. Open heart that The Spirit of God can access. Another tool is The Word of God. Open up The Word of God with an open heart and The Holy Spirit and you can be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
  A Backstage Pass to see your favorite Rock Star can be costly. And passes are limited. With God you have 24/7/365 access. And the cost? The greatest price was paid by Jesus on His Cross. The more you spend time with God the more your faith will grow.
And unlike Santa there is no line. No age limit. You can climb right up on the lap of Abba Father. You can tell him all your desires and you can sit with him and cry your eyes out. He won't push you away. He'll not only listen to you but He can do something about it. He can heal you. Free of charge.


Friday, November 11, 2011

"Bullies. An old problem in a new world."

Bullies have been around forever. Recently the problem has once again come to the attention of the
media. The main reason being that bullies have a new weapon to use in their arsenal of destruction.
The Internet.
The Internet has many purposes.
Watching Videos.
Downloading Music.
Playing Video Games.
Social Networking. The most popular site being Facebook.
On Facebook people have a way to connect with friends and family. It is also away to torment people in a potentially anonymous means. Cyber Bullying.
You can set up an account and look people up. There are a great deal of ways to get around safety and privacy settings that even The FBI has trouble keeping up. So kids and even parents (I use the term loosely in this context) can get in on abusing people hiding within the internet highway which is protected by our first amendment. It guarantees everyone "Free Speech".
I'm not going to use this post to voice my opinions about what changes The Government should make to help create a safer world of everyone on the internet.
Here's what I feel.
Parents need to make a better effort to communicate with their children as well as their spouse/ partner.
Mind you I refuse to place the whole weight of the blame on parents. This would include the parents of the bullies and those who are being bullied.
Sit down to dinner. At the kitchen table. No TV. No texting. No iPods. Just family. Together. We have to be able to set aside our addiction to our electronic gadgets. Seriously. So much of it is unnecessary.
Especially 24/7/365. Especially now during the holidays. We are addicted to the virtual world and thus ignore the real world. The 11 o' clock News used to ask, "It's 11 o' clock, do you know where your kids are?" Maybe we need to ask that question ALL DAY LONG.
I understand monitoring kids internet use, (including cell phones) 100% maybe near impossible.
Perhaps parents need to peel themselves away from The Worldwide Web.
Also I think that if a compliant comes forward about bullying it needs to be taken seriously. By ALL parties. 
Let me now address people being bullied. It is hell. I know I had to deal with bullies for many years as I grew up. Much of it happened at school. But the bulk of it was after school. For me it took the form of violence. The result being visible bruises and scars. These lead me to believe I was weak and that I deserved to be beaten by my bully. Those thoughts about myself lead to deep scars in my soul which are still healing. 'Words will never hurt me' is a truly false statement.
If you are being bullied there are ways for you to react. Many easier said than done. Ask yourself does any of this really matter?
Let me explain.
Yes it hurts. Yes you may get depressed. You may want revenge. Or you may feel so worthless that you think killing yourself is the answer. As I said at the beginning of this post bullies have roamed the earth almost since day one. So unfortunately the problem will never go away. 
How do you fight back? Suicide or bringing guns into school isn't the answer. Sure it brings attention to the issue of bullies and laws are passed to try to help but the trouble will still be there.
We all need to find within ourselves productive ways to deal. You must find SELF WORTH. That too may seem impossible. Especially if no one at home to back up what is true about yourself.
You do have worth. Your existence is not an accident. I challenge you to make a list of good things about yourself.
Trust me I once laughed at the idea. But even if you can only think of 1 or 2 things it's a start.
You may be able to use the very insults being hurled at you to start your list.
Maybe as a boy your expected to be "one of the guys." Playing sports is what that might mean. But maybe playing sports isn't your thing. Maybe because your small or skinny. Or just maybe you don't find any enjoyment in it. Maybe instead you are in the Chess Club or Math Club. In the eyes of your classmates that makes you a wimp, a wuss, a dork, or a long list of other insults you may hear every time you go to school.
Well being good at chess and/or math might just stimulate your brain enough to become a doctor, or
scientist of some sort. (Just as an example) Maybe you will someday discover a cure for Cancer, A.I.D.S. or a host of other diseases. And then your discovery will lead to saving the lives of hundreds, thousands, or millions of people, bullies included.
Maybe as a girl you are teased by other girls for wearing "boys clothes" and playing sports. The other girls maybe suggest that you're butch and not really a girl. OK maybe you as a girl focus on physical strength instead of spending time and money on fancy clothes and makeup. In the process you eventually join The National Army Reserves and one day save lives in the aftermath of a natural disaster.
Maybe as a guy your teased for being artistic and sensitive. Perhaps you write poetry instead of playing Baseball or Video Games. Maybe because of this you are teased about being gay. Whether you are or not. Well maybe being artistic and sensitive eventually leads to you meeting a great woman and you have a wonderful lifelong happy and successful marriage.
Maybe you are gay and someday win an award for furthering the cause of human rights.
Maybe you are one of the jocks or "pretty girls" and actually turn the tide of bullying by standing up against so-called friends that tease kids that don't fit in.
As you can see I could go on and on about this. There HAS to be at least the beginning of such a list for you. Maybe you are a bystander and would never dream of reporting bullying whether in class after class or online. We need you too. Tragedies can be prevented.
Bullies are at school, home, church, and work. 
Maybe you are a bully. Ever ask yourself why? Are you bullied at home by your dad or big brother.
You feel helpless and in order to have strength you pick on someone weaker. You don't like being bullied so you should not pass it on. You too can make a list of qualities you possess.
Maybe you are a tough guy on the defensive line of your high school football team. It takes a lot of energy to work so hard. Maybe you dream of playing professional football someday. But maybe your grades hover just above failing. Maybe instead of picking on the dorky kid you can ask for his/her help with studying. Maybe then you will be a future hall of fame athlete.
Teachers also need to be proactive. Don't shrug off any bullying you may see on the schoolyard or abuse that is reported on Facebook. 
We all have a chance to make a difference.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Don't I know you from somewhere? (Revised Version)

Many experiments have shown that we sometimes miss what is right in front of us.
There is one where in a sea of activity many people a man dressed in a gorrila suit. How can that be?
Another one is when a famous musician dressed in shabby clothes and began to play in a crowded NYC subway station for an hour. In that hour he made $32. The night before he used a 3.5 Million Dollar Stadivarius Violin for a sold out concert where the seats went for $100 a seat.
Jesus had a simular issue. After 3 years with our Lord and Savior the diciples didn't recognize Him.
How could this happen?
How well do we know The Lord?
Do we speak to him on a regular basis?
Do we read his word?
When we go to church is it for show?
Do we act like his own?
If Jesus were to walk up to us on the street would we know him?
I mean really know him?
If He were to see a cross or crucifix around your neck he would know what it means to you even if no one else did.
God knows you more than you know yourself.
But how well do you know him?
If your answer to that question is not much at all then let me remind you it's not too late.
Go to a quiet place and speak to him.
He's never too busy. Are you?
Saying a prayer takes only seconds.
Find one of many free daily Bible reading tools. I have two right beside my bed. It never takes longer than 10 mins to pray and read the daily Bible meditation.
No matter if you've known God for 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years, 3 decades ect it's never too late to get to know the creator a little better. He's waiting.
Eternity has already begun.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

"Why did God choose Salvation through The Crucifixion of His Son?"

Romans 8:31-34
People sometimes wonder why an all loving God would send His Son to die for no sins of His own.
He was crucified. On top of the beatings, scourging, and being crowned with thorns. He was spit on and mocked. If you have watched the movie, "The Passion of The Christ" you have a glimpse at what Jesus suffered to save our lives. We're sinners (redeemed sinners) He never sinned.
So why couldn't God find a peaceful way to save our souls?
Well God sent Jesus to be a human representation of God. The human bridge between us and God.
Jesus came as an infant. He learned as a child. Despite being God he was also man and even though He is all knowing he showed us that we too have to learn as much as we can in our lives.
With his human step father, Joseph he learned a hard work ethic.
Like us He faced temptation.
Even without sin He showed us humility by being baptized. Again a great example of how we are to persue holiness.
He faced the troubles of persecution.
He was betrayed.
He faced the agony of knowing He was about to endure the torment of dying on a cross.
He felt abandoned by God.
He died.
He even decended into Hell. Where He sought souls to save.
But He was raised from the dead.
So in most of those ways we go through the same things. There it is!
How easy would it be to follow someone who knows nothing of the human condition?
I assume for many of us it might be impossible.
He even looked into the depths of Hell. All so we wouldn't have to.
And as He was raised to Heaven after His earthly ministry so shall all of us who trust in Him.
But He didn't leave us with nothing.
He sent The Holy Spirit so His presence could be carried through out all the earth and be poured out on all mankind.
And if God is with us in unity with The Holy Spirit we can continue what He started.
God is truly everywhere.
If God is love than the troubles of the world can be faced with love.
The Holy Spirit was sent as a new comforter. We can comfort those who mourn.
Matthew 5:3-4
"Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they who mourn for they will be comforted."
And as Jesus faced the agony in the garden He sought God's will, not His own.
And with us we will face answers to prayer and the result may seem like a slap in the face. We will go through our darkest hours that are evil and what was meant for evil will be for the greater good.
It hurts that some of our trials may not make sense to us in our life on earth but they are not wasted.
Don't take my word on it.
Take God's Word on it.
It's The Gospel Truth.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Attitude Adjustment"

Zechariah 8: 20-23
Luke 9: 51-56
In the reading from Zechariah the people are coming together to worship The Lord in joyful harmony with each other.
In the reading from The Gospel of Luke we see a different attitude. One of jealousy. Jesus wasn't welcomed because He was trying to pass through on his way to Jerusalem which was his "ultimate" destination.
Imagine what would have happened if the people in the Samaritan village had allowed Jesus to pass through.
Healing, deliverance, demons cast out, forgiveness, and a great move of God. Many disciples could have sprouted up and even more lives could have been transformed.
Do you ever believe that some people don't deserve the blessings that God has poured out to them?
Do you feel that God has passed you by in order to bless someone who is "A Sunday Only" Christian. Maybe they put on a disguise of being a good Christian at church and yet are open sinners the rest of the week.
Sure you go to church on a regular basis. You pray on a regular basis and with great fervor. You are dedicated to reading The Bible and Biblical devotions. And yet you can't seem to even make ends meet.
It isn't fair right?
Think of this,
God loved us all while we were still yet sinners. We first  loved God  because He first loved us. All have sinned and have fallen short of the Glory of God.
We have been saved. But maybe something will happen to that sinner we feel may be unworthy that will help that person and they'll realize that God had spared them during their lives of sin.
We all have a claim to The Kingdom of God. No matter what we have done or may be doing.
God is unwilling to see anyone perish.
So lets come together right now over Him.

Monday, October 3, 2011

"Modern Day Good Samaritan"

In the time of Jesus there was a group of people known as Samaritans that were "Non- Believers" or even heathens. So when Jesus tells the tale of The Good Samaritan it's a tale of an outsider, a heathen, a sinner coming to the rescue.
Today I learned of a slightly more modern story. A story that fits our own troubled times.
There was a Catholic missionary that was working in Africa. (I forget where exactly) This priest was on his way to celebrate Mass when a tire on his vehicle went flat.
Many people that were going to celebrate Mass, passed the very priest that was going to lead worship. Then out of nowhere came a Muslim man. The Muslim man stopped and helped the priest change the tire and then went along on his business. The priest was a bit late but nonetheless he made it.
So do we love our neighbor as we love "our own kind?" 
Do you judge a book by it's cover?
What assumptions are you making?
What assumptions are people making about us?
Would they know we are Christians by our love?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

"So Close Yet So Far Away"

Luke 9:28-43; 45
This is the story of The Transfiguration of Jesus.
Peter, John, and James went up to a mountain to pray with Jesus. While praying Elijah and Moses
visit the trio. (Side note: Elijah is said to represent prophecy Moses is said to represent The Law and Jesus is the representation of Prophecy fulfilled, Fulfillment of The Law and Fulfillment of Salvation)
Anyway: The story continues with Jesus, Peter, John, and James coming back down the mountain.
As they touch ground a man brings his son who is possessed by a demon to Jesus. The man tells Jesus
that His disciples were not able to drive the demon out of the boy.
Jesus drives the demon out but we see that Jesus in a sense is in as much awe that his disciples couldn't
do the job.
I think that there is a good reason for Jesus to be perplexed. You might think that anyone who had been
spending so much time with The Son of God would be able to drive out a demon tormenting the soul of a little boy. At this point their eyes were still blind to the power that Jesus hands out to those nearest to Him. Eventually the disciples do learn of the power of God and how to use it. Not by any power that they had in themselves but by the gifts bestowed upon them by God.
Even after Jesus returns to Heaven the power of healing and deliverance stays with them but only if the use those gifts in The Name of Jesus. Being obedient to God through the wisdom of The Word of God and The Holy Spirit. The main reason for the ascension of Jesus into Heaven is so that His Spirit may be poured out upon All Flesh. Upon all the children of God.
So as modern disciples we too can be given the power over evil. But we ourselves don't have the power. It is obtained by spending time with Jesus and The Holy Spirit via The Word of God.
Are you too busy to spend time with God? Too busy to pray? Can you take time to pull away from Facebook or other internet sites? Sit in quiet time with God instead of taking much needed energy to learn healing spells in a virtual fantasy land?
Why not spend time learning healing from the source of all healing (Jesus) and heal people in the real world?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"The Son That Sheds The Light"

God created the light and seperated it from the darkness.
God is the light of the world in him there is no darkness.
Would you hide your light under a bushel and in doing so keep the light for yourself?
We are called to be children of the light. God is the light of the world. God has chosen us to be bearers of his light. Those of us with the light of God within us need to shine the light in this present darkness. But sharing the light comes with responsibility.
Do you tend to filter The Word of God? Or maybe you make the light so intense that you end up blinding anyone you try to share it with.
Light from the sun nourishes life on the planet.
Just as light from The Son of God brings nourishment to the soul.
If you are in constant contact with this dark world you need light and warmth to melt cold hearts that have been hurt by friends, family, co-workers ect.
You need not burn people with the truth that resides within you.
Truth and gentleness go hand in hand.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"From Evil to Good"

Genesis 3:1-5; 11-13; 22-24
Numbers 21:4-9
Philippians 2: 6-11
John 3: 13-16
This first reading establishes that the devil took the form of a snake to tempt and destroy humankind.
The second reading shows us the progression of snakes continued affiliation with evil. 
Here's the miracle. The serpents that are sent to the Hebrews in their time of grumbling against God. The serpents strike many and many are killed. The result is the repentance of those wandering through the desert. God directs Moses to fashion a bronze serpent on a pole. That then becomes a sign of healing for those afflicted with snake bites. To this day many doctors offices and hospitals weave the snake on a pole into the "logo" of their office or hospital where they work.
The passage from St. Paul's letter to the Philippians he tells us that Jesus emptied himself and came to us as a man. Not only that but Jesus made himself obedient to death. And death on The Cross. One of mankind's most horrible forms of execution. Add to that, Jesus was dying for sins He never committed.
Last but not least in one of the most famous Bible passages of all time as like the bronze serpent being lifted as a symbol of healing, Jesus is raised up on The Cross not as a mere symbol of healing but as the ultimate image of healing and eternal life. The Cross was meant to be the greatest tool of the devil to triumph over good but instead became the most important tool of defeat over death and hell. 
So what evil are you facing?
Death? Disease, Famine? Poverty? Unfaithfulness? Desolation? Depression? Betrayal? Divorce? Failure? Fear?
Addictions to drugs? alcohol? gambling? pornography?
I've seen people without limbs living a sucessful and meaningful lives. They challenge adversity. And put life into prespective. Sometimes sweating the small stuff (for example failing an exam, being grounded, internet and texting privleges being taken away ect.)
Most times our worst disability is our attitude. So look at life. Your miracle may be right around the corner. It may come from the most unlikely source.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

"A Servants Heart"

St. Peter Claver was a man who met slave ships to minister to the unfortanate souls being brought here jam packed, in chains only to face a hellish "existance".
He would come and gave Last Rites to those who didn't make it all the way over.
He also prayed for those whom faced a lifetime of degredation. He fed them, gave them something to drink, and tended their wounds.
It seems that St. Peter Claver was following the example of Christ. He came as a servant to seek and save the lost.
We too could make this a better world if we became selfless instead of selfish.
Sometimes all we can do is pray for people caught in slavery.
Slaves to drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling, and hundreds of other self destructive ways.
Sometimes we may have an opportunity to take action.
Maybe your actions will save a life.
Maybe you set people free from slavery and help direct them on the course that awaits them.
From slaves to workers. Working for a purpose.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Adventures With "G"

I have a lifetime friend. For now I'll call him "G".
He's a great guy. It seems he goes with me everywhere. If he's not there I miss him. Although to be honest he always returns my phone calls. I admit I have trouble getting back to him sometimes. I tell him sorry and he forgives me.
I've been dishonest with him. I know it hurts as it would any friend I could ever hope to have. I sometimes feel I'm not that great a friend to him. His friendship overwhelms me sometimes.
He's going to school with me. I sometimes disregard his advice when it comes to my studies. How I regret not listening. Thing is his knowledge seems so simple sometimes. Pride gets in my way. How silly is that?
G also reminds me to be calm. For example a situation we can all relate to:
Being stuck in a long line at grocery store when the person at the front of the line is arguing over the conditions of a coupon or a sale item. G reminds me that we all can be annoying. He reminds me I've surely been the one holding up the line. I smile a weak smile. G knows me so well.
When it comes to being annoying I can't believe what G puts up with sometimes. I belly ache about trivial matters. I tear my hair out over nothing so much I can barely stand myself. He has reminded me that life is short and complaining is a HUGE waste of time. I wonder where G gets his patience.
As far as having a short time on earth G has actually saved my life!
Years ago I was very close to death and oddly enough G happens to be a wonderful physician. A real miracle worker. He has a great friend that has a advanced degree in counseling. They're insepable I could never thank them enough. During that time I lost a lot of blood. Thankfuly I recieved blood from an universal donor. I'm eternally greatful to these amazing people. I would not be alive without them.
G has a lot of friends. G directed them to my life. Tears of joy well up when I think of all the wonderful people in my life past and present. Through G I met my best friend. And through that friend I've gained a new family. I dare not think of my life without any of them.
G happens to be a nature lover. In the past I didn't take time to smell the roses. Now I do and I regret all the beauty I missed in my life.
Well I could go on and on about G. Let me just take time to thank him.

Thank you God.
When it comes to amazing people G has so many great

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Jesus: One of us.

1 Thessalonians 5: 9-10
     God did not choose us to suffer His anger, but to possess salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us in order that we might live together with Him, whether we are dead or alive when He comes.
Luke 4: 33-35
     In the synagogue was a man who had an evil spirit in him; he screamed out in a loud voice," Ah! What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Are you here to destroy us? I know who you are: You are God's holy messenger!"
     Jesus ordered the spirit, "Be quiet and come out of the man!" The demon threw the man down in front of them without doing any harm.
Mark 1:12-13
   At once the Spirit made Him go into the desert, where He stayed forty days, being tempted by Satan. Wild animals were there also, but angels came and helped Him.
Matthew 16:13; 15-17
   Jesus went to the territory near the town of Caesarea Philippi, where He asked them, "Who do they say I am?"
   Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the son of the living God." Jesus answered, "Good for you Peter son of John!" "For this truth did not come to you from the wisdom of man, but it was given you directly by my Father in Heaven."
Matthew 26: 39
   He went a little farther on, threw himself face down on the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible take this cup of suffering from me! Yet not what I want, but what you want."
So how do these scriptures come together?
The first passage tells us that Jesus died so that we may spend eternity with Him. A death he accepted but as we see in Matthew Jesus asked His Father to (if possible) find another way for salvation to come to the world. Despite his coming agony He gave Himself up to the will of His Father.
Also evil spirits know that Jesus is the Messiah. The Son of God. Jesus who has power of evil given to Him by His Father.
Peter also knew that Jesus is The Messiah. So the forces of evil and people tuned into The Spirit know who Jesus is. That means every man, woman, and child can know God and enter His kingdom.
Also we know that Jesus was tempted in every way that we are. You may ask how so? Jesus was only tempted three times. I will eventually post how those temptations actually fit in to every temptation we have faced and will face.
Last but not least actually most imporant, Jesus knew (if only for a moment) fear. He knew that he was about to be tortured for sins He didn't commit. Being crucified was one of the most brutal forms of capital punishment ever known to mankind.
So in these ways Jesus is very much like us. He came here as a baby. Born in a manger. Lived 33 years, felt grief. He wept when Lazarus (his close friend) died even though Jesus knew that He was going to raise Lazarus from the dead. Ah yes He raised a mere mortal from the dead and He himself was raised from the dead. He was baptized and so are we. He was told by The Father that He was well pleased with Jesus. We have an opportunity for God to say the same of us.
So get up. Shake of the dust and grief of sin. Seek God in all your ways. He has given ALL of us a reason to be here. Quietly wait for The Spirit of God to speak to you. One of the reasons that Jesus died for us was to pour out His Spirit on us and like Peter, we can confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Fire In My Bones (messages from the pulpit)

Jeremiah 20: 9
  "I say to myself, I will not mention him (The Lord), I will speak in his name no more. But then it becomes like burning fire in my heart, imprisoned in my bones; I grow weary holding it in, I cannot endure it."
Romans 12:2
   "Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but be transformed by the renewal or your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect."
 Where do you go to school? I ask because sharing our faith is a horrible taboo. Kids cannot pray at school. What??? Is this a communist country? A news story came out where a kid was suspended from school for wearing a cross necklace and a Christian t-shirt. I don't remember all of the details but I do know the shirt wasn't aimed at conversion, it wasn't judgmental, and it wasn't graphic (showing graphic images of the crucifixion of Jesus). So why was this student punished?
If this country was formed in a great part was to pursue freedom of religion then how could this happen? I know that Jews and Muslims haven't gotten in trouble for wearing clothing that comes from their religious background. And if they have been then why? What about seperation of church and state? How could a government institution such as a school govern our ability to express our religious beliefs? I understand that a dress code should be in place. But where do we draw the line?
I think that school uniforms should be manditory! And I mean the modest "old school" uniforms where the girls had to wear full length skirts. So many times I've been on the bus where Catholic school girls were wearing short skirts that looked like something a stripper would wear.
My point? How are our kids going to share their faith without fear of punishment? If a young person has a fire in their bones, a burning desire to share The Word of God while at school but doesn't due to fear? What if that student only sees people that are hungry for God during school hours?
Sure God could provide another way for that person to be introduced to The Truth but what about the student that was told that sharing The Faith was against the rules? Will that witness become discouraged?
What happens when a student brings their Bible to free reading time? No! Don't you dare bring such vulgar propaganda into the hallowed ground of your school!
So it becomes necessary to think outside the box. Students must search the will of God. Be in the world not of it. God is beyond borders. He has no restrictions besides the ones we place on him. Say pray without ceasing. Wait for The Holy Spirit to show you how to bring His light into the darkness of the hallways of your school. As I said before careful how you present yourself.
Where there is a will there is a way. And God's will is far superior to the will of man.
For greater is He that is within me is greater than he that is in the world.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Best Friend or Fair Weather Friend? (Messages from the pulpit)

Do you have a best friend? Someone you can tell anything to? Someone you know without a doubt
you can trust?
If so is the relationship platonic or is it a friendship of a romantic nature? Many people have said if you get married you should marry your best friend. I agree. I wouldn't have it any other way. 
Do you have fair weather friends? They only come around to borrow money. Maybe they need a favor?
Maybe their friendship comes at a much steeper price.
You are the problem solver and it's a one way street. You are their entertainment. Whatever their
excuse may be to call you up is to unload their toxins into you. They drain your energy and you regret the time you have spent with them.
There is hope for anyone who only has toxic friends. God is always there to become your eternal BFF.
He knows your pain. Cry out and He'll come running. He is a shoulder to cry on. He can offer advice far superior to any human wisdom. He always has time for you. With a single touch He can heal you. He will protect you. You can trust Him. He doesn't only exist on Facebook. 
Are you a fair weather friend to God? Do you only call upon Him in times of distress? Do you tell at Him when things don't go your way? Do you do things to Him that would hurt Him, and if so do you apologize? Are you ashamed to let the world know He's your friend? Does your lifestyle contradict what He stands for. Do you mock Him? Do you curse His name? Do you treat Him like a genie and demand He grants your wishes. Do you bargin with Him knowing full well you could not keep your side of the deal?

If He were to come over for a meal would you need time to hide things that would offend Him. Movies? Music? Books? Magazines? Websites? If you were to go out to a sporting event, concert, or movie would you have to watch your language? Would you have to put off drinking or doing drugs long enough until He went home? Would you have to refrain from looking upon others with lust? Would you have to keep racist jokes tucked away? Would you have to refrian from mocking people when He was walking with you? Would you have to dress differently if you went to His house?
So ask yourself: Is God a fair weather friend for you or is He your BFF?



So are you a fair weather friend to God or are you His BFF?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Walk For Rwanda

A reccent church bulletin had an ad for what is called Walk for Rwanda. This event is to raise money to help the people in Rwanda recover from genocide.
How did this charity come about?
A young girl had an intrest in the African culture. Then her heart broke when she saw what was going on in Rwanda.
So this young college girl got to work. Including getting t-shirts made, a booth, ads to go to different churches, and went to city hall to get all the official paperwork taken care of.
And now my girlfriend and I just happened to go to church where we noticed the ad.
Today we went.
Registration for both of us was $24 total.
So not only did we help out a worthy cause we got great exercise.
(the city also got a whole bunch of much needed rain)
Is there a cause that is on your heart? Do you think that there is nothing you can do?
There is something you can do.
Research. Brainstorm. Network.
Look for a website. Or maybe as with me I'm working on a website that may not fit the category of
charity at the moment but that doesn't mean it won't be important.
Who knows? Maybe it will lead to a fundraiser that will bring awareness to the cause planted in my
Take a step. Start by thinking about what you would like to see happen that would make this a better place to live.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"- Gandhi

Friday, August 12, 2011

Prisoner Release

Forgive and you shall be forgiven...
Has anyone ever you done a wrong or many wrongs that you can't let go of?
If someone even mentions their name do you get sick to your stomach. Maybe you feel violent.
I think we all have felt this.
Anger can cause so many physical problems. High Blood Pressure and Ulcers just to name two.
What about spiritually?
Unforgivnes is like a prison. You keep the offender in prison. Even if they have moved on and feel
remorse even if you do not know this.
Guess what: You are in the same prison.
Take it from me: I was 27 when God helped me to forgive what horrible things my father had done to me. When I did I cried tears of joy and relief.
I could breathe easier.
I felt lighter.
I became happier and my joy continues to increase. I actually enjoy life.
The glass is almost always half full or overflowing.
Christ has come to set the prisoners free...
What do you think? Are you ready to make a run for freedom?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

"Still small voice" (Messages from the pulpit)

Imagine having a hit put out on you. You are wisked away to a new place by witness protection.
You're scared.
You're confused.
And you feel God has abandond you.
You beg for a sign.
You begin to bargan with God.
"God if you help me I'll do anything."
You expect God to announce Himself in a grand way.
Lightning strikes. Thunder rolls. The earth moves.
Then it happens:
God speaks. He speaks to you in a "still small voice."
A similar story comes from The Bible to a great prophet Elijah. ( 1Kings 19:9, 11-13)
Now look at the story of faith, and a quick departure of that faith.
See Matthew 14:22-33
Jesus is walking on the water during a great storm.
Peter asks Jesus if he could join our Lord on the water. Jesus welcomes him. At first all is well. Then
Peter sees the greatness of the waves and begins to sink and Jesus saves him.
The pastor of my church was a chaplin during a missions trip he goes out with a group on a replica of the boat that the deciples may have been on that stormy night.
My pastor said that a sudden storm came up and to most of the people on the boat became a little scared. However three fishermen from the area weren't troubled at all.
So why were the "Fishers of Men" so scared that night?
Surely seeing Jesus walking on water didn't help.
Take Peter as an example, if he had kept his eyes on Jesus he might not have began to drown.
When Jesus got on the boat the storm passed. The deciples exlaimed (To Jesus) "Truly, you are the Son of God."
So now put all this together.
If you keep your eyes on Jesus, especially during a storm (when our faith is often at it's weakest).
And you just quiet down keeping Jesus in the center of your life then God will speak to you in
a still small voice.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Breaking Bread

  After The Resurrection of Jesus he caught up with a few disciples who were talking about the events of the past few days.
  Jesus asked what they were talking about.
   The disciples responded in shock that this man didn't know about these things.
  As Jesus walked with them and they were astonished by His wisdom.
They ate together and when Jesus broke bread with them they knew it was the risen Christ.
  The question is how do you know Jesus? Do you know him at all? Who do you say that He is? Prophet? Teacher? Wise Man? Lunatic? Liar? Or Lord and Savior?
  Have you walked with Him in the past only to feel He has left you behind?
If so what would it take to return? Or to realize He's always been there?
  Do you need fellowship with fellow believers? Do you need to become acquainted with Christ in communion?
  How about taking time to pray alone and in the quiet? To meditate on His word?
Or to seek God for the first time for all your needs?
  Have you (or anyone you know) ever thought that the idea that taking communion which is meant to represent the body and blood of Christ shocking?
   Eventually people responded to Jesus with what many may call blind faith.
    It may seem odd to follow such a person as Jesus based on what a couple of people wrote about a historical figure.
  Of course Christians aren't the only people to follow such a person. Muslims revere the Prophet Muhammad. Jews link themselves to the heroes of The TANAKH.
   None of us were there when these exploits took place.
  We as Christians are told to break bread with each other but there is another type of breaking bread that is just as important.
   Reaching out to our family is important. It seems natural and expected to gather with family during holidays, birthdays,special occasions (such as graduation) and for funerals.
   But what about not so special days? Perhaps we find ourselves too busy. What about family members with whom we have wronged or have wronged us?
   Let's look at it like this.
  Which one is truly wrong? Like with scriptures we often have blind faith that our version of the truth is the only version.
   Doesn't The Bible say that all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God? It sure does.
  Here's a suggestion. Be the one to apologize first. Even if the other person refuses to forgive you
you in blind faith have made the leap of faith to admit we're wrong.
   Jesus while on the cross said "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."
    Jesus had faith that his sacrifice would not return void.
He knew that countless people would come to trust in him.
  Breaking of bread is known as communion.
  Which makes all who partake, part of a community.
Let's break bread.