When we fail we look to find the root of blame. We've all heard of the saying, "The Devil made me do it."
Well the devil may have shown you one way to go and God has shown us another way to go but ultimately the choice is ours.
We may say, "My parents made me this way." Maybe our parents didn't raise us 'right'. Even mental illness or alcoholism can be passed down or at the very least the odds can be stacked against us but it's up to us to walk away. To put down the drink. To seek help.
In my years growing up my father was verbally, physically, and sexually abusive to me. He was a womanizer. The pain he caused me and my mom drove me to hate him.
Then I realized that hating him wasn't helping. Dealing with the pain he caused and making sure I didn't turn out like him was the answer.
And now as he looks down from Heaven and I'm sure he's proud to see how I turned out.
I'm not a womanizer and have found my soul mate. In fact my attitude concerning women is one of respect.
I could have let the 'I'll never amount to anything' message keep me from my dreams. But I didn't and with the support of my girlfriend and her family I'm on my way to getting my Associates Degree in Substance Abuse Counseling.
It doesn't matter whom we blame. The fact remains that we ALL have fallen short of the Glory of God.
God knew full well that even with our best intentions and our best sacrifices we wouldn't make it to Heaven.
But nonetheless God loves us too much to send us away without help.
God sent his only begotten son as a sacrifice for us. His blood washes away all of our sins. All we have to do to begin our journey to Heaven is to believe in the one sent from Heaven. We can trust in The Lord Jesus Christ. Just call out to him. Ask him into your heart. He won't turn you away.
Maybe your own father has turned you away. But God NEVER will. He sent Jesus to seek and save the lost.
It doesn't end there.
You must be sincere in your willingness to turn from sin.
Saying sorry is meaningless unless you change the actions that caused you to say sorry in the first place.
We might not all have the same religious background. We might not go to church. But God is everywhere. But you have to open the door if you want him in your life.
He won't force himself upon you. You have to invite him in.
Try not to hold painful experiences that people caused you in the name of God keep you away.
God's not to blame for what others do when they twist His words for their purpose.
It's not God's fault.
And you can call upon Jesus who not only died for our sins, he also faced sin when he went into the desert to face Satan while He (Jesus) fasted for 40 days.
Jesus' weapon against Satan was The Word of God. Even when Satan used scripture to try to trip Jesus up it didn't work because Jesus knew the scripture far more than the devil does.
Even if you don't know scripture well or at all when you invite Jesus into your heart you're inviting the one that scripture revolves around.
We all have access to The Holy Spirit.
But you have to work with God against the tempter. Together you can stand against sin.
After all God's desire is that no one faces eternal punishment. The punishment has been paid for. When you accept Jesus you can stand blameless before God.
Then their will be no sin to cast blame upon.
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