Imagine having a hit put out on you. You are wisked away to a new place by witness protection.
You're scared.
You're confused.
And you feel God has abandond you.
You beg for a sign.
You begin to bargan with God.
"God if you help me I'll do anything."
You expect God to announce Himself in a grand way.
Lightning strikes. Thunder rolls. The earth moves.
Then it happens:
God speaks. He speaks to you in a "still small voice."
A similar story comes from The Bible to a great prophet Elijah. ( 1Kings 19:9, 11-13)
Now look at the story of faith, and a quick departure of that faith.
See Matthew 14:22-33
Jesus is walking on the water during a great storm.
Peter asks Jesus if he could join our Lord on the water. Jesus welcomes him. At first all is well. Then
Peter sees the greatness of the waves and begins to sink and Jesus saves him.
The pastor of my church was a chaplin during a missions trip he goes out with a group on a replica of the boat that the deciples may have been on that stormy night.
My pastor said that a sudden storm came up and to most of the people on the boat became a little scared. However three fishermen from the area weren't troubled at all.
So why were the "Fishers of Men" so scared that night?
Surely seeing Jesus walking on water didn't help.
Take Peter as an example, if he had kept his eyes on Jesus he might not have began to drown.
When Jesus got on the boat the storm passed. The deciples exlaimed (To Jesus) "Truly, you are the Son of God."
So now put all this together.
If you keep your eyes on Jesus, especially during a storm (when our faith is often at it's weakest).
And you just quiet down keeping Jesus in the center of your life then God will speak to you in
a still small voice.
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