Saturday, August 20, 2011

Best Friend or Fair Weather Friend? (Messages from the pulpit)

Do you have a best friend? Someone you can tell anything to? Someone you know without a doubt
you can trust?
If so is the relationship platonic or is it a friendship of a romantic nature? Many people have said if you get married you should marry your best friend. I agree. I wouldn't have it any other way. 
Do you have fair weather friends? They only come around to borrow money. Maybe they need a favor?
Maybe their friendship comes at a much steeper price.
You are the problem solver and it's a one way street. You are their entertainment. Whatever their
excuse may be to call you up is to unload their toxins into you. They drain your energy and you regret the time you have spent with them.
There is hope for anyone who only has toxic friends. God is always there to become your eternal BFF.
He knows your pain. Cry out and He'll come running. He is a shoulder to cry on. He can offer advice far superior to any human wisdom. He always has time for you. With a single touch He can heal you. He will protect you. You can trust Him. He doesn't only exist on Facebook. 
Are you a fair weather friend to God? Do you only call upon Him in times of distress? Do you tell at Him when things don't go your way? Do you do things to Him that would hurt Him, and if so do you apologize? Are you ashamed to let the world know He's your friend? Does your lifestyle contradict what He stands for. Do you mock Him? Do you curse His name? Do you treat Him like a genie and demand He grants your wishes. Do you bargin with Him knowing full well you could not keep your side of the deal?

If He were to come over for a meal would you need time to hide things that would offend Him. Movies? Music? Books? Magazines? Websites? If you were to go out to a sporting event, concert, or movie would you have to watch your language? Would you have to put off drinking or doing drugs long enough until He went home? Would you have to refrain from looking upon others with lust? Would you have to keep racist jokes tucked away? Would you have to refrian from mocking people when He was walking with you? Would you have to dress differently if you went to His house?
So ask yourself: Is God a fair weather friend for you or is He your BFF?



So are you a fair weather friend to God or are you His BFF?

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