Zechariah 8: 20-23
Luke 9: 51-56
In the reading from Zechariah the people are coming together to worship The Lord in joyful harmony with each other.
In the reading from The Gospel of Luke we see a different attitude. One of jealousy. Jesus wasn't welcomed because He was trying to pass through on his way to Jerusalem which was his "ultimate" destination.
Imagine what would have happened if the people in the Samaritan village had allowed Jesus to pass through.
Healing, deliverance, demons cast out, forgiveness, and a great move of God. Many disciples could have sprouted up and even more lives could have been transformed.
Do you ever believe that some people don't deserve the blessings that God has poured out to them?
Do you feel that God has passed you by in order to bless someone who is "A Sunday Only" Christian. Maybe they put on a disguise of being a good Christian at church and yet are open sinners the rest of the week.
Sure you go to church on a regular basis. You pray on a regular basis and with great fervor. You are dedicated to reading The Bible and Biblical devotions. And yet you can't seem to even make ends meet.
It isn't fair right?
Think of this,
God loved us all while we were still yet sinners. We first loved God because He first loved us. All have sinned and have fallen short of the Glory of God.
We have been saved. But maybe something will happen to that sinner we feel may be unworthy that will help that person and they'll realize that God had spared them during their lives of sin.
We all have a claim to The Kingdom of God. No matter what we have done or may be doing.
God is unwilling to see anyone perish.
So lets come together right now over Him.
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