John 1: 29-34
This passage of scripture has so much great content. But there is one thing that sticks out to me from my very own baptism.
I was about 15 years old at the time. I was on a summer "get away" with the church I called home at the time. I had fire in my soul and wanted to bring people to God's saving grace. I wanted to be used by God to bring people to forgiveness, healing, wisdom,and everything that God could pour into me to share with others including the message of Salvation and Eternal Life. (by the way I still desire all of these things)
Anyway, I had accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. And in baptism I was showing not just God but all who were witnesses on that day that I was declaring my identity as a follower of Christ.
Baptism in water is symbolic of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
Going into the water I declared to die to sin. To repent and turn from all sin. Not to be fearful of God when I sin. Just go to God with a humble heart and ask forgiveness but only if I am truly sorry for what I have done and promise that to the best of my ability to never enter into sin again.
While submerged in the water my old self dies. I put on the new self. That I not only read God's Word and go to church but to represent the Kingdom of God.
And then I arise from the water washed of my sins with the promise of The Holy Spirit to guide me through my entire life.
That happened. I came out of the water with my hands raised above my head in a gesture of victory.
Then as I grabbed my towel and spoke of my experience to friends and family one of the church elders came up to me with a message.
This elder is well known for his great use of the gift of prophecy. Mostly in the realm of personal prophecy as well as prophecy directed toward the church.
This wonderful man of God told me something profound and a bit shocking.
He told me that when I emerged from the water he saw a vision of The Holy Spirit descend upon me as a dove (As described in the scripture ) and that God had sealed me with an anointing. And that on the day I came face to face with God on the Day of Judgment He would say to me "Well done good and faithful servant."
That was a lot to take in. And today as I read the account of the Baptism of Our Lord I was filled with The Presence of God.
I began to wonder about what that elder said to me. For most of my life I sure didn't live anything that resembled a godly life. Quite the opposite. I'll spare you the details.
But as I grew older and wiser I realized that I wasn't living up to my potential. But God got a hold of me and put some sense into my head. Sure I've jumped from church to church but God never abandoned me and He never will.
So now I'm chasing my calling.
I'm in school to get my Associates Degree in Substance Abuse Counseling.
I have found my soul mate.
My heart has been re-kindled with the zeal of The Holy Spirit.
I have never been so peaceful in all my life.
I daily lift my hands in praise to God.
My prayer life has become richer and regular.
I read God's Word every day.
I go to church as often as possible, sometimes more than once a week.
And as I write these posts I hope that someone even just one person is blessed and encouraged by them.
Once again I sense the pain of those around me.
Whether it be at home.
In my neighborhood.
On the bus.
At school.
At church.
Or when God places someone in my heart including strangers and friends I've lost touch with.
I might not ever walk on water. I may never lay hands on the sick and see them healed before my very eyes. I'm not a prophet. I may never raise the dead but I do have something to offer.
I offer whatever God has given to me to share with the world.
The most important part is that I focus on my creator. The one who saved not only my life but the lives of all who call upon The Name of The Lord.
He will never leave me nor forsake me.
He'll guide me through the flood waters and fire.
I don't boast about anything I have done.
I boast in the one who breathes life into my lungs every morning.
For I can do nothing without Him.
But I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.
You can too. You are here for a reason. You may never see what that reason is. But I assure you if you live for the Kingdom of God one day no matter how many times you mess up, if you keep your eyes on God, sit quietly and listen to what He speaks in your heart then when it's you're turn to stand before God he will say,
"Well done good and faithful servant."