Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Are You Insane?" Messages From The Pulpit

Many people have asked many questions about Jesus.
Including "Who do you say that Jesus is?"
St. Peter answered "You are The Christ, The Messiah, The Son of God."
I recently  read a novel based on the life of Jesus.
It was a great novel. It got me to ask myself, "Would I have followed Jesus with all the claims that he made?"
One thing stood out to me. Jesus spoke of "eating his flesh and drinking his blood" at that point I scratched my head and can honestly say, I'm not so sure.
I have doubts once in a while and I can't see him. (I admit my doubts have nearly disappeared)
But what if I had been there walking with him?
In the heat of persecution would I have denied knowing him when things got rough?
Would I walk away in shame as I watched him die upon the cross?
Would I join in mocking him? Would I have said, "Physician heal thyself. Come down from that cross and show the world that you are indeed The Son of God."
Would I deny Christ?
At this point of my life I would deny Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Even unto torture or death.
Jesus said, "If you deny me before men I will deny you before The Father."
I hope that when my judgment comes God will say, "Well done good and faithful servant."
The Bible says, "The message of The Cross is foolishness to those who are dying."
Dying from the ravages of sin. A blindness of the reality of the sting of death that comes from an unwillingness to admit that we have done wrong and need to repent. We may say, "God loves everyone surely He won't bring me to eternal punishment." But what's the big deal?
Not admitting that you have sinned is like saying that you can do no wrong.
It's between you and God. No one else needs to know what wrong you have done. God knows and is not willing that any one should parish. Once God forgives ANY sin it is erased from his memory.
Another question is would you betray Jesus as Judas did?
You might say surely not. Are you sure?
People sell out every day.
Maybe you hang with friends that openly mock Christians. You not only deny Christ but you join in.
You point out the flaws of The Christian/ Catholic Church.
You claim contradictions found in The Bible.
You mock "Jesus Freaks."
Need I say more.
Will you choose popularity or truth?
No Christians aren't perfect. But The one who started it all is.
You would be insane for not following The Spirit of the one true and living God.

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