Love 'em or hate 'em computers are everywhere.
Computers used to take up an entire room.
Then came the P.C.
Now we can take our computers everywhere.
We put them in our cars to help us with directions.
We can arm our home security with the touch of a button.
We can even unlock are cars from miles away.
News travels faster than ever before.
Sure there are many advantages of living in the electronic age.
One advantage is how we reach out to the world about God. Without God none of this would be possible.
So why not use the information super highway to spread His word.
Setting up this blog didn't take long at all.
I connect with Facebook friends and they get to see what God is doing in my life.
We can share our testimony. It's much simpler than you think.
You don't need to have eloquent speech.
Moses tried to use his lack of speaking skills to get out of rescuing The Hebrew Slaves from Egypt. So God provided Aaron to be the spokesperson.
It's much easier to reach out to people all over the world. I suppose you can be a missionary right in the comfort of your own home.
It's not being lazy, it's being creative.
Before computers were everywhere God was everywhere.
Before computers gave directions. The Word of God and The Spirit of God gave us direction.
Before push button security there was security brought to us by relying on God and God alone.
High speed internet is nothing compared to how fast God works in our lives.
We may find answers easier on search engines than we may find answers to why our prayers aren't answered the way we'd like them to be.
But when you walk with God our hindsight is better than 20/20. Far better than IMAX 3-D.
When you have God's vision for your life you'll have more than just word of mouth or the internet at your hands.
You'll have His entire Kingdom.
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