In California there has been a law passed against being forced to undergo "laying on of hands" or what some call exorcisms.
One of the top reasons this was deemed necessary is that parents of teenagers were trying to "pray the gay away."
I know that St. Paul went Old Testament on everyone when he singled out homosexuality.
Jesus on the other hand spoke of a broader sense of right and wrong when it came to sexual immorality.
"If anyone so much as looks at an other person in lust it's as if you have committed adultery with them in your heart."
I think the key words here are "in your heart."
If your heart is where your treasure is supposed to be then what condition is your heart in if it's full of lust?
Gay or straight lust is lust. And hate is hate.
Love your neighbor as you love yourself. How much do you love yourself if you hate anyone else, for any reason? Not so much I tend to think.
How will they know we are children of God? By our love.
Not by judging each other.
I would even say that if you are part of the LGBT community then try not to hate those who hate you. Especially when it's out in the open or in your very own home.
I don't know what other religious text say on the subject but I say,
'Does it matter?'
In a sense I guess it does. But it doesn't have to.
If you are a parent who is concerned about a child who may be gay and your beliefs say that homosexuality is a sin just let it be.
Don't be so concerned with what gender your child is attracted to or even if your child is questioning what gender they are inside. Be concerned with the safety of your child.
Teach your child about safe sex.
Teach your kids to respect themselves in order to be in a safe and healthy relationship.
Don't you want your child to have happy memories of not only childhood but any associations they come to have with you and God? No matter what church, mosque, or temple you go to. Perhaps you don't attend religious services. Don't you want your house to be a home and not just a shelter.
After all hate and lack of acceptance do not make a happy home.
God created us ALL in his image. God is love. God is everywhere.
God is love.
Let us reflect God by being loving.
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