Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Adventures With "G"

I have a lifetime friend. For now I'll call him "G".
He's a great guy. It seems he goes with me everywhere. If he's not there I miss him. Although to be honest he always returns my phone calls. I admit I have trouble getting back to him sometimes. I tell him sorry and he forgives me.
I've been dishonest with him. I know it hurts as it would any friend I could ever hope to have. I sometimes feel I'm not that great a friend to him. His friendship overwhelms me sometimes.
He's going to school with me. I sometimes disregard his advice when it comes to my studies. How I regret not listening. Thing is his knowledge seems so simple sometimes. Pride gets in my way. How silly is that?
G also reminds me to be calm. For example a situation we can all relate to:
Being stuck in a long line at grocery store when the person at the front of the line is arguing over the conditions of a coupon or a sale item. G reminds me that we all can be annoying. He reminds me I've surely been the one holding up the line. I smile a weak smile. G knows me so well.
When it comes to being annoying I can't believe what G puts up with sometimes. I belly ache about trivial matters. I tear my hair out over nothing so much I can barely stand myself. He has reminded me that life is short and complaining is a HUGE waste of time. I wonder where G gets his patience.
As far as having a short time on earth G has actually saved my life!
Years ago I was very close to death and oddly enough G happens to be a wonderful physician. A real miracle worker. He has a great friend that has a advanced degree in counseling. They're insepable I could never thank them enough. During that time I lost a lot of blood. Thankfuly I recieved blood from an universal donor. I'm eternally greatful to these amazing people. I would not be alive without them.
G has a lot of friends. G directed them to my life. Tears of joy well up when I think of all the wonderful people in my life past and present. Through G I met my best friend. And through that friend I've gained a new family. I dare not think of my life without any of them.
G happens to be a nature lover. In the past I didn't take time to smell the roses. Now I do and I regret all the beauty I missed in my life.
Well I could go on and on about G. Let me just take time to thank him.

Thank you God.
When it comes to amazing people G has so many great

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Jesus: One of us.

1 Thessalonians 5: 9-10
     God did not choose us to suffer His anger, but to possess salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us in order that we might live together with Him, whether we are dead or alive when He comes.
Luke 4: 33-35
     In the synagogue was a man who had an evil spirit in him; he screamed out in a loud voice," Ah! What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Are you here to destroy us? I know who you are: You are God's holy messenger!"
     Jesus ordered the spirit, "Be quiet and come out of the man!" The demon threw the man down in front of them without doing any harm.
Mark 1:12-13
   At once the Spirit made Him go into the desert, where He stayed forty days, being tempted by Satan. Wild animals were there also, but angels came and helped Him.
Matthew 16:13; 15-17
   Jesus went to the territory near the town of Caesarea Philippi, where He asked them, "Who do they say I am?"
   Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the son of the living God." Jesus answered, "Good for you Peter son of John!" "For this truth did not come to you from the wisdom of man, but it was given you directly by my Father in Heaven."
Matthew 26: 39
   He went a little farther on, threw himself face down on the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible take this cup of suffering from me! Yet not what I want, but what you want."
So how do these scriptures come together?
The first passage tells us that Jesus died so that we may spend eternity with Him. A death he accepted but as we see in Matthew Jesus asked His Father to (if possible) find another way for salvation to come to the world. Despite his coming agony He gave Himself up to the will of His Father.
Also evil spirits know that Jesus is the Messiah. The Son of God. Jesus who has power of evil given to Him by His Father.
Peter also knew that Jesus is The Messiah. So the forces of evil and people tuned into The Spirit know who Jesus is. That means every man, woman, and child can know God and enter His kingdom.
Also we know that Jesus was tempted in every way that we are. You may ask how so? Jesus was only tempted three times. I will eventually post how those temptations actually fit in to every temptation we have faced and will face.
Last but not least actually most imporant, Jesus knew (if only for a moment) fear. He knew that he was about to be tortured for sins He didn't commit. Being crucified was one of the most brutal forms of capital punishment ever known to mankind.
So in these ways Jesus is very much like us. He came here as a baby. Born in a manger. Lived 33 years, felt grief. He wept when Lazarus (his close friend) died even though Jesus knew that He was going to raise Lazarus from the dead. Ah yes He raised a mere mortal from the dead and He himself was raised from the dead. He was baptized and so are we. He was told by The Father that He was well pleased with Jesus. We have an opportunity for God to say the same of us.
So get up. Shake of the dust and grief of sin. Seek God in all your ways. He has given ALL of us a reason to be here. Quietly wait for The Spirit of God to speak to you. One of the reasons that Jesus died for us was to pour out His Spirit on us and like Peter, we can confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Fire In My Bones (messages from the pulpit)

Jeremiah 20: 9
  "I say to myself, I will not mention him (The Lord), I will speak in his name no more. But then it becomes like burning fire in my heart, imprisoned in my bones; I grow weary holding it in, I cannot endure it."
Romans 12:2
   "Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but be transformed by the renewal or your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect."
 Where do you go to school? I ask because sharing our faith is a horrible taboo. Kids cannot pray at school. What??? Is this a communist country? A news story came out where a kid was suspended from school for wearing a cross necklace and a Christian t-shirt. I don't remember all of the details but I do know the shirt wasn't aimed at conversion, it wasn't judgmental, and it wasn't graphic (showing graphic images of the crucifixion of Jesus). So why was this student punished?
If this country was formed in a great part was to pursue freedom of religion then how could this happen? I know that Jews and Muslims haven't gotten in trouble for wearing clothing that comes from their religious background. And if they have been then why? What about seperation of church and state? How could a government institution such as a school govern our ability to express our religious beliefs? I understand that a dress code should be in place. But where do we draw the line?
I think that school uniforms should be manditory! And I mean the modest "old school" uniforms where the girls had to wear full length skirts. So many times I've been on the bus where Catholic school girls were wearing short skirts that looked like something a stripper would wear.
My point? How are our kids going to share their faith without fear of punishment? If a young person has a fire in their bones, a burning desire to share The Word of God while at school but doesn't due to fear? What if that student only sees people that are hungry for God during school hours?
Sure God could provide another way for that person to be introduced to The Truth but what about the student that was told that sharing The Faith was against the rules? Will that witness become discouraged?
What happens when a student brings their Bible to free reading time? No! Don't you dare bring such vulgar propaganda into the hallowed ground of your school!
So it becomes necessary to think outside the box. Students must search the will of God. Be in the world not of it. God is beyond borders. He has no restrictions besides the ones we place on him. Say pray without ceasing. Wait for The Holy Spirit to show you how to bring His light into the darkness of the hallways of your school. As I said before careful how you present yourself.
Where there is a will there is a way. And God's will is far superior to the will of man.
For greater is He that is within me is greater than he that is in the world.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Best Friend or Fair Weather Friend? (Messages from the pulpit)

Do you have a best friend? Someone you can tell anything to? Someone you know without a doubt
you can trust?
If so is the relationship platonic or is it a friendship of a romantic nature? Many people have said if you get married you should marry your best friend. I agree. I wouldn't have it any other way. 
Do you have fair weather friends? They only come around to borrow money. Maybe they need a favor?
Maybe their friendship comes at a much steeper price.
You are the problem solver and it's a one way street. You are their entertainment. Whatever their
excuse may be to call you up is to unload their toxins into you. They drain your energy and you regret the time you have spent with them.
There is hope for anyone who only has toxic friends. God is always there to become your eternal BFF.
He knows your pain. Cry out and He'll come running. He is a shoulder to cry on. He can offer advice far superior to any human wisdom. He always has time for you. With a single touch He can heal you. He will protect you. You can trust Him. He doesn't only exist on Facebook. 
Are you a fair weather friend to God? Do you only call upon Him in times of distress? Do you tell at Him when things don't go your way? Do you do things to Him that would hurt Him, and if so do you apologize? Are you ashamed to let the world know He's your friend? Does your lifestyle contradict what He stands for. Do you mock Him? Do you curse His name? Do you treat Him like a genie and demand He grants your wishes. Do you bargin with Him knowing full well you could not keep your side of the deal?

If He were to come over for a meal would you need time to hide things that would offend Him. Movies? Music? Books? Magazines? Websites? If you were to go out to a sporting event, concert, or movie would you have to watch your language? Would you have to put off drinking or doing drugs long enough until He went home? Would you have to refrain from looking upon others with lust? Would you have to keep racist jokes tucked away? Would you have to refrian from mocking people when He was walking with you? Would you have to dress differently if you went to His house?
So ask yourself: Is God a fair weather friend for you or is He your BFF?



So are you a fair weather friend to God or are you His BFF?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Walk For Rwanda

A reccent church bulletin had an ad for what is called Walk for Rwanda. This event is to raise money to help the people in Rwanda recover from genocide.
How did this charity come about?
A young girl had an intrest in the African culture. Then her heart broke when she saw what was going on in Rwanda.
So this young college girl got to work. Including getting t-shirts made, a booth, ads to go to different churches, and went to city hall to get all the official paperwork taken care of.
And now my girlfriend and I just happened to go to church where we noticed the ad.
Today we went.
Registration for both of us was $24 total.
So not only did we help out a worthy cause we got great exercise.
(the city also got a whole bunch of much needed rain)
Is there a cause that is on your heart? Do you think that there is nothing you can do?
There is something you can do.
Research. Brainstorm. Network.
Look for a website. Or maybe as with me I'm working on a website that may not fit the category of
charity at the moment but that doesn't mean it won't be important.
Who knows? Maybe it will lead to a fundraiser that will bring awareness to the cause planted in my
Take a step. Start by thinking about what you would like to see happen that would make this a better place to live.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"- Gandhi

Friday, August 12, 2011

Prisoner Release

Forgive and you shall be forgiven...
Has anyone ever you done a wrong or many wrongs that you can't let go of?
If someone even mentions their name do you get sick to your stomach. Maybe you feel violent.
I think we all have felt this.
Anger can cause so many physical problems. High Blood Pressure and Ulcers just to name two.
What about spiritually?
Unforgivnes is like a prison. You keep the offender in prison. Even if they have moved on and feel
remorse even if you do not know this.
Guess what: You are in the same prison.
Take it from me: I was 27 when God helped me to forgive what horrible things my father had done to me. When I did I cried tears of joy and relief.
I could breathe easier.
I felt lighter.
I became happier and my joy continues to increase. I actually enjoy life.
The glass is almost always half full or overflowing.
Christ has come to set the prisoners free...
What do you think? Are you ready to make a run for freedom?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

"Still small voice" (Messages from the pulpit)

Imagine having a hit put out on you. You are wisked away to a new place by witness protection.
You're scared.
You're confused.
And you feel God has abandond you.
You beg for a sign.
You begin to bargan with God.
"God if you help me I'll do anything."
You expect God to announce Himself in a grand way.
Lightning strikes. Thunder rolls. The earth moves.
Then it happens:
God speaks. He speaks to you in a "still small voice."
A similar story comes from The Bible to a great prophet Elijah. ( 1Kings 19:9, 11-13)
Now look at the story of faith, and a quick departure of that faith.
See Matthew 14:22-33
Jesus is walking on the water during a great storm.
Peter asks Jesus if he could join our Lord on the water. Jesus welcomes him. At first all is well. Then
Peter sees the greatness of the waves and begins to sink and Jesus saves him.
The pastor of my church was a chaplin during a missions trip he goes out with a group on a replica of the boat that the deciples may have been on that stormy night.
My pastor said that a sudden storm came up and to most of the people on the boat became a little scared. However three fishermen from the area weren't troubled at all.
So why were the "Fishers of Men" so scared that night?
Surely seeing Jesus walking on water didn't help.
Take Peter as an example, if he had kept his eyes on Jesus he might not have began to drown.
When Jesus got on the boat the storm passed. The deciples exlaimed (To Jesus) "Truly, you are the Son of God."
So now put all this together.
If you keep your eyes on Jesus, especially during a storm (when our faith is often at it's weakest).
And you just quiet down keeping Jesus in the center of your life then God will speak to you in
a still small voice.