God created everything. The universe. The galaxy. The earth and all that lives in the earth. He also created the angels. God created us. He gave us and the angels free will. One angel in particular was the most beautiful. He was strong. He thought he could rise above God. He tried and failed. The light bearer became the adversary, the devil.
The devil isn't everywhere but he has plenty of helpers.
Sometimes without being fully aware, we become our own worst enemy.
Oh sure a fallen angel may point something out to us that catches our eyes. "Hey look that person over there. In the next cubicle. They're quite good looking aren't they? You should say
You admit they are attractive. You say hello and hit it off. You feel a connection. Your co-worker wants to hang out after work. You may be single but your co-worker isn't.
Reactions may differ at this point.
Would you purposely hang out with someone that's married?
One thing can lead to an other and next thing you know you're having an affair.
Or maybe you back off.
Choice is yours.
The devil can't force your hand and neither can God.
Be assured that we may not want to face our sinful choices right now but one day we will.
Besides saying yes or no to sin is up to us so is repentance.
You choose to sin. You choose to go before God and not just say "sorry" but take it further and to "Go and sin no more"
Saying sorry and being sorry are two different things.
Don't stop there.
Don't let your resistance to sin fill you with the feeling of being invincible.
You're not.
As you rely upon God to say no, you must remember that it's Jesus that was tempted in every way and yet never sinned.
Remember God pours his spirit upon all who call upon him and who do so with sincerity.
God spits out what's lukewarm.
God rejects the proud.
God will never reject a humble and contrite heart.
Even the angels rejoice over a repentant sinner.
And it's through the willing sacrifice of Jesus that our sins are wiped out.
Recognize your sin. Believe that Jesus is The Son of God. Believing in Him as The One who faced sin and yet lived without falling. Running into the arms of Jesus makes sense.
Jesus pleads before God on our behalf.
Run to Jesus.
He will help you overcome the call of sin.
When you're forgiven of your trespasses is when the greatest healing begins.
When Jesus forgave and healed those who came to him they jumped for joy, sang, and ran.
Confession and healing go together.
Keep your eyes on Jesus, the man without sin.
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