Many years ago a woman named Monica fervently prayed for her husband and son to come to the saving grace of Jesus. Eventually her prayers were answered.
This woman is now known as St. Monica and her well known son is St. Augustine.
St. Augustine was on the road to ruin. He was an alcoholic and womanizer to the least.
Monica knew that living a life of sin wasn't what God has in mind for any of us.
Living in sin is a life of separation from the fullness of God's presence. And a life without God isn't a life at all.
It was the fervent prayer of a concerned mother that reached her sinful son.
I can attest to the power of such prayer and intervention in my own life. I know that the prayers of the faithful have brought me and my wife to the loving grace of God. We both go to church as much as possible and prayer every night before bed.
All of have called into the loving arms of God.
We are all called to be children of the king of universe.
Prayer changes things. Prayer can send pleas to The Holy Spirit to stir the hearts of those who don't know The Lord and warm the hearts of those whose hearts who have grown cold.
It's God who shows us the error of our ways and proves that indeed his ways are far above our ways.
So like the faithful St.Monica if we truly love someone who has gone astray we will see the fruits of our passion and will see the yield of the harvest when we enter the eternal Kingdom of God.
Pray without ceasing for we cease without praying.
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