Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Coming Of The Lord

Well next Sunday is the official beginning of Advent.
  Advent is the celebration that culminates on Christmas.
  We rush around looking for the perfect gifts for our loved ones.
   How about we slow down.
   Take a breath.
    And like Martha when she poured out expensive perfume onto the feet of Jesus.
    She took time to be with The Son of God.
    What will it cost us to lavish our love upon The Lord?
     I guarantee every second spent waiting for the Lord will be worth it.
     Yes Jesus is coming one day in the clouds.
    But never forget that The Holy Spirit is already here. He prepares us to bring Jesus to those who don't know Him.
    For them it's a personal advent.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

"Zombies For Our Children" (Happy Halloween)

I went to the library today to get some CD'S.
  There were some Halloween and Harvest Time decorations up. Nothing really "bad".
   Then as I was leaving the library I walked past the Halloween books for kids. Targeted for kids ages 6-10 or there a bouts. There were books about the origins of Halloween, Ghost stories, costume ideas, pumpkin carving tips, and zombies.
  I'm a Christian and felt sick to my stomach.
  Zombies? It's bad enough that teenagers and adults alike have this obsession but to bring it to the attention of innocent children?
  I can't imagine trying to make zombies "cute".
  Rotting corpses reanimated by evil wandering around seeking out human flesh as a meal is the thing of nightmares and down right demonic.
   Is the idea to desensitize our children so that they won't find such movies as Night of the Living Dead, 28 Days Later, and Resident Evil disturbing by the time they reach puberty? Is this a tactic to have family movie night be a zombie marathon?
   There are even Barbie type dolls that feature the living dead. Why? So girls can try to live up to being in a horror movie VS dolls that give girls insecurities about their bodies?
   If you give out candy on Halloween be prepared to see mommies little zombie.
   And for that matter a 12 year old girl not only dressed as a scantily clad cheerleader but as a zombie cheerleader.
   I wonder when this all started.
   A bigger question may be will it ever end?
  It's true we're all going to die.
    Most people are afraid to die.
  But does normalizing zombies really alleviate the fears of dying?
   Is this meant to say that dying isn't all that bad?
   Another good question may be shouldn't parents protect themselves from zombie movies?
  Why do we allow these images into our house.
   Many parents make sure their kids don't watch the news. So why is it OK to let them dress as the living dead? Maybe because zombies aren't real.
    I say zombies are real enough.
    They are of the devil and the devil is out to keep us in our flesh and rot our brains.
      God is too much to handle.Too controversial.
      So why not join the crowd of people that are diving head first into the zombie apocalypse?
   I say that we should dive head first into godly things.
    Many churches choose to celebrate the memory of the loved ones that have made their way into heaven. All Hallows Eve (all Souls day). Or then to celebrate the people throughout history that are examples of living for God. All saints day.
      We celebrate birthdays. The day life began.
      The day the creator brought us into being.
        In the world not of it.
      Dead to sin.
       Alive in Christ.      

Monday, September 22, 2014

Have Nothing Have Less

Taken from Luke 8:16-18
To paraphrase
To him who has much, more will be given to that person. To the the person who has little more will be taken.
This scripture baffled me since the first time I heard it.
Then today while I was at Mass The Lord spoke to me and gave me an explanation.
A person whom is full of The Spirit of The Lord, and shares what The Lord has given is filled with the energy to keep giving.
On the flip side when a person is near empty that person looses what they had and become to worn out to even try.
In other words:
Have you noticed in your own life (or witnessed in someone else) that when you run low on energy that making effort to do much of anything, including getting out of bed a task that only seems possible for a superhero?
I've been there. And it's not pretty.
In the throes of a deep depression, I stayed in bed most of the day, my personal hygiene suffered, my diet was horribly unhealthy, I gained weight, my laundry piled up, and my room resembled a garbage dump.
I had no get up and go and an attitude where I said, "Who cares. What's the point?"
If God hadn't intervened I can honestly say I wouldn't be here now.
But I am here.
And I am constantly be filled with life.
And people can tell.
When we look at the beginning of this passage from Luke I am a bright shining light that people are drawn to.
Like a lighthouse warning ships of danger.
If you're in a slump and feel empty ask The Lord to come into your life and light up your soul.
Allow the Holy Spirit to fill your soul with the oil that will keep your light shine before men.
Like the day of Pentecost when The Holy Spirit fell like fire let the zeal of The Lord burn within you.        

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Keep Praying

   Many years ago a woman named Monica fervently prayed for her husband and son to come to the saving grace of Jesus. Eventually her prayers were answered.
   This woman is now known as St. Monica and her well known son is St. Augustine.
  St. Augustine was on the road to ruin. He was an alcoholic and womanizer to the least.
   Monica knew that living a life of sin wasn't what God has in mind for any of us.
   Living in sin is a life of separation from the fullness of God's presence. And a life without God isn't a life at all.
   It was the fervent prayer of a concerned mother that reached her sinful son.
   I can attest to the power of such prayer and intervention in my own life. I know that the prayers of the faithful have brought me and my wife to the loving grace of God. We both go to church as much as possible and prayer every night before bed.
   All of have called into the loving arms of God.
   We are all called to be children of the king of universe.
   Prayer changes things. Prayer can send pleas to The Holy Spirit to stir the hearts of those who don't know The Lord and warm the hearts of those whose hearts who have grown cold.
   It's God who shows us the error of our ways and proves that indeed his ways are far above our ways.
   So like the faithful St.Monica if we truly love someone who has gone astray we will see the fruits of our passion and will see the yield of the harvest when we enter the eternal Kingdom of God.
   Pray without ceasing for we cease without praying.        

Monday, August 18, 2014

"Weeping Rich"

   In the Book of Matthew Jesus meets a rich man who asks Jesus what he must do to have eternal life and what it would take to follow The Lord.
   Jesus tells the rich man that he must keep the commandments.
   The rich man smiles because he has always kept the commandments. So this eager man asks if there is anything he must do to follow Jesus.
   Jesus replies that he should give away all he has to the poor. The rich man walks away sad for he had
   And that's the last we hear of this rich man.
   But I dare say that wasn't the last that wealthy fellow heard of Jesus.
   I know from personal experience that a relationship with Jesus is of utmost importance.
   I have given up much to be with him. But giving up those things made me a better person.
   I feel that sure when God gets a hold of a persons heart and if we nourish the flame of his love no matter how much or how little we have every sacrifice is worth it's weight.
   So maybe if your unemployed and it's alcohol that got you to a state where you couldn't perform your duties at work. Maybe it's time to put that bottle down and get back on your feet. Beating addiction is
possible. I have nearly 6 years without alcohol or pot. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
   Maybe you're well off. You have all you need and then some. But I've heard it said that money isn't everything. Money can't buy you love.
    It can't buy you a place in Heaven either. So maybe you can give to charity. More importantly maybe you can get to church and feed on the richness of The Holy Spirit.
   Maybe volunteer as an usher at church.
   Go through old clothes. How long ago have you worn that "favorite" sweater?
   The point is you have something you can give.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

May The Force Be With You

   Ah, Facebook. Just another place to discuss whatever is on our minds.
This includes Star Wars.
   You might think that Star Wars fans could discuss things peacefully. After it's all one franchise right? You would be wrong.
   A Star Wars fan group I'm in can argue and cuss just as much as any other group where freedom of speech allows.
   It often starts with arguments over The Prequel Trilogy. Then it drifts into online gaming and then the novels.
    Then there are arguments about Light, Grey,and Dark Jedi's.
    Then comes name calling and personal attacks all based on a Sci-Fi entertainment franchise.
  Isn't Star Wars supposed to be entertainment?
  Why is it that the human race seems set on destroying each other?
  Why isn't there peace?
  We know that religion and politics are the biggest causes of conflict.
   It seems that human beings will find any reason to fight.
  We've all been hurt by people (including our closest friends and family members) who don't agree with our point of view.
   They just don't see it.
    So we clam up. We fight back. We find a weakness and attack. We bring up the past. And we lose friends. I have.
   Why do we put so much energy in fighting when we can put that energy into:
    I don't have all the answers. None of us do. And that's the point.
Instead of defining the truth in terms of my way is the only way. Why don't we look at what is missing?
    Peace is missing.
   If you're a Catholic are you going to let what something a Baptist preacher said that you don't agree with ruin your day?
    Or will you take a piece of The Prince of Peace and let offenses roll away?
  If you're a Muslim will you allow something a Christian said ruin your day or will you find peace in the fact that there is a God and that only He is all knowing?
    If you're a Democrat will you're life be ruined by the ways of Republicans or will you see that there are problems that need to be fixed and setting aside differences and just find a solution?
     Instead of being afraid of what we don't understand why not find a way to try to understand it?
   If you value life then live!
   If you want peace create it.
  If you desire beauty make beautiful things. This would include saying beautiful words.
   Life is short.
  Make every moment count.
   I assure you we won't argue about anything in Heaven so why argue about it here?
  Instead of Hell on earth why not create Heaven on earth.
May the Force be with you
May Peace be with you  

Thursday, May 22, 2014

"They're Ruining The Country"

I've heard it being said that fighting for equal rights for the LGBT community is ruining the country. Many times these words are being said by people that claim that the Christian savior Jesus, hates gays.
I've made this point before.
If Jesus is the Son of God and if God is love then how can Jesus hate gays?
Simply stated, He can't.
Some Christians like to put the "sin" of homosexuality (or any lifestyle that isn't heterosexual ) the greatest of sins.
Some of these people say that allowing gay marriage in this country is inviting wrath upon The United States. So let me point something out.
Many Native American tribes allowed gay marriage. It wasn't a taboo. It wasn't a sin. It was a celebration of two people in love forming a sacred bond.
Then the white man came.
They brought the values of Christianity with them.
They brought slaves here.
They killed "savages" one village at a time.
I suppose that the Native Americans thought that Christianity ruined the country.
So before their was a fight over who can get married me must look at other things that are destroying The United States.
Religious intolerance. This includes infighting among many Christian denominations.
Looking the other way when someone that we trust puts our children in danger.Whether it be a doctor touching a young patient in a sexual manner. Or maybe a teacher having sex with an underage student.
Pornography often portrays women as being "daddy's little girl" and yet we wonder why so many of these girls are being sexually abused and even sold so that girls who ARE underage can become the play things of men that prefer prepubescent girls as a conduit for their depraved sexual cravings.
No matter how you feel about abortion Christian extremists take it upon themselves to kill abortion doctors After all it's a life for a life. But doesn't The Bible say that vengeance is the lord's and that he'll repay?
Mocking, hating, and killing Muslims is OK because we're in a Holy War.
Mocking, hating, and killing Christians is OK because we're in a Holy War.
Perhaps if homosexuality wasn't seen as an abomination perhaps Christian ministers wouldn't lead a double life where they have to sneak around to have sex with people in their own gender. While covering their tracks by getting married and having kids.
Adultery is a sin but isn't stopped husbands from cheating on their wives.
Lust is a sin but some of our pastors look at pornography. They even download pictures of children being sexually exploited.
I'm not saying all of this to declare that I'm not guilty of sin.
I need not point out the speck in your eye.
I need to allow God to help me remove the beam from my own eye.     

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I'm Back Even Though God Never Left

It's been a while. I'm back.
Why the absesnce?
I got mad at God. Silly huh?
Especially since I have written about NOT getting mad at God.
It's not His fault that I was taking things the wrong way concerning friends. Heck it's not all their fault either.
I chose how to react.
I was the one who yelled and screamed.
God doesn't force our hand.
God gives us what we need to react in every situation.
Is school hard? Then study hard. Ask questions.
Jesus studied the scriptures and he asked questions.
He even asked His father if salvation might come in a way that didn't involve him being
spit upon,
crowned with thorns,
nails driven in his hands and feet into the wood of a cross
put on display. Naked and ashamed.
Entering a grave.
Going into the pits of hell.
But did Jesus gave into all of that.
Sure he felt that his father had forsaken him. But Jesus didn't shake his fists. He didn't cuss God out. Jesus even asked his father to forgive all who were responsible for the sins he shed his blood for.
The Father was always there.
Jesus is always there.
And through the Holy Spirit we all can communicate directly to God.
No matter where we are.
No matter if the drugs and alcohol made me do it.
Even if my mental illness caused me to sin.
No matter the excuse.
No matter how far we stray from God.
He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Getting Ink?

     I have this idea that I want to get a tattoo. My ink will have something to do with dying to self I become eternal.
     To me this is the essence of my life. I have to die to self in order for God to be able to fill the void that is left.
     That was the case when I overcame addiction. I couldn't just walk away from the booze, weed, pornography, horror movies, and violent video games.
     The chemicals killed my brain cells.
      The pornography killed my innocence.
      The horror movies killed my empathy.
      The violent video games killed my peace.
   But then I gave God a chance to heal those things.
      God used my substance abuse to direct me to get a degree in Substance Abuse Counseling.
      God healed the damage done by pornography by helping me see just how awesome women are. Women are beautiful and not objects.
     God healed the damage done horror movies by putting it in my heart to heal people.
     The violence of the video games helped me see how beautiful peace can be.
     Garbage in garbage out.
     God in our hearts God in our speech.
      So what do you cover yourself with?
      If it's a tattoo really think about what message you're sending.
     Already have a tattoo that may speak to how you used to feel? Perhaps you were angry. Perhaps you felt abandoned. Have you memorialized being depressed and suicidal?
      It's not to late to live beyond what the ink on your body says or implies about who you are.
    Maybe you don't have tattoos but something else no longer fits you.
      Have you lived your life without smiling?
      Like the famous saying says,
              "Smile God loves you."

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Men, How Does This Make You Feel?

     They say that one of the greatest tragedy's is when a parent has to bury a child. Sometimes such a child is stillborn. Never breathing a single breath.
     I know first hand how horrible this is. My fiance is in a support group dealing with such loss. I know that despite the fact the child isn't mine he has touched my life in ways I never imagined.
     It hurts. I cry.
     I cry despite being taught that crying makes me a "sissy." In my life crying has been a strength. Crying is like free grief counseling.
     So why did I bring the subject of stillbirth up?
     Because so often the women who go through such loss are deemed imperfect. Often husbands leave.
     Why? I feel in part, that the pressure to carry on the family name.
     When people get married there is a great expectation to have kids. If it doesn't happen try try again.
     Not always a choice.
     We sometimes ask ourselves why do bad or unfit parents get to have kids when so many "deserving" parents never have such a chance? It may suck but we may never know in this life.
      There is the hope that once we get to Heaven all will be revealed.
     Faith is the evidence of things unseen.
       We don't know everything.
      God's ways are far above our ways.
       Guys, when the Bible says that we are to be the head of the household we are being pressed into a role similar to Jesus is to the church. We should be there for our wives. We are to be man and like Jesus who does what he sees His father in Heaven doing.
     Jesus would never abandon anyone.
     We are to love unconditionally.
     Like Jesus we are to be OK with laying down our lives for our wives.
      That may mean letting go of the expectation of producing an heir.
     God's calling is as unique for all of us as there are people on the planet.
     So be a man.
      Take up your cross.
      Be like Simon who helped Jesus carry his cross when he no longer could.

Friday, March 7, 2014

"If A Friend…" Messages From The Pulpit

1 Corinthians 8:13
 "Therefore, if food is a cause of my brother's falling, I will never eat meat, lest I cause my brother to fall."
  OK so maybe eating meat isn't a sin per se but with my fiancé's family always has meatless options for my fiancé and I who are vegetarians.
 As a person who has over 5 years without a drop to drink I always appreciate when
those same people don't drink beer or wine coolers when me and my fiancé are around.
It is so awesome when people close to us are so supportive.
  We are currently in the season of Lent.
For many people this is a time to give up one thing or another as a sign of restraint.
Of course the most well known of these self imposed restrictions is giving up red meat on Fridays. Many people replace Fish for red meat which lead to Friday fish fries.
There are endless things we can fast from at least once a week during Lent. But how much of a sacrifice is it? And would you be willing to give up said indulgence forever?
 Will you really miss it?
I'm giving up candy this year. Everyday for 40 days.
Just two days after Ash Wednesday it hasn't been too hard.
I admit I will miss my favorite candy, Hot Tamales but I know that I can do it.
  No matter what you may give up during Lent (or New Years or any other day for that matter) it is my prayer that you find at least one person to support you.
You may even find that your friend may find that they too can live without….
Giving things up that we love which may not be good for us isn't always easy.
  But remember that Jesus was tempted by the devil in the desert for 40 days. Jesus never fell for the temptation Satan threw at him.
Jesus used scripture to counteract Satan's silver tongue.
  And as children of God we have the same arsenal at our hands.
Ephesians 6:10-18 tells us about the spiritual weapons of warfare.
The Whole Armor of God. The Belt of Truth. The Breastplate of Righteousness. Shod our feet with the Readiness of The Gospel of Peace. The Shield of Faith which can quench the fiery arrows of the devil. The Helmet of Salvation. The Sword of The Spirit.
Stand ready. Stand together. Stand with Jesus who overcame sin by dying on The Cross.          

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"If I Had Been Raised In A Different Culture..."

For my final semester I am taking Cultural Anthropology as my final elective.
It's a great class.
Part of the reason I am taking this class (as opposed to any other elective class that was offered) is my deep desire to learn more about the world around me. I live a very diverse neighborhood and this just fuels my desire to try to understand the people that represent lands foreign to me.
Some people eat bugs. But most people in the United States would probably avoid eating bugs.
I have chosen whom I am going to marry. Others come into a fixed marriage.
I chose to follow what Christianity teaches (to the best of my ability).
The question was raised about what would have happened if I were raised in a different culture.
What if I were raised in India?
The climate is different.
The culture is different.
But what about God?
Would I have been raised in a Hindu home?
Lets say that I had.
India is home to many religions and spiritual traditions.
I believe that if God wanted me to find him and the direction he would have wanted me to go in.
If I am to assume that a monotheistic religion is the right way then I assume that two of the most prominent monotheistic religions in the area I would have been drawn to either Islam or Christianity.
Many may doubt this. Many people say that if I were raised Hindu I wouldn't stray from Hindu culture.
But God lead me to where I am now.
I was raised to believe that the Catholic Church was almost all wrong. Nonetheless I was drawn to the Catholic Church.
Is there a perfect church? Not necessarily. But I finally feel at peace when I go to church (for the most part).
God never said life would be easy.
But he did promise to get us through it.
So no matter what God is always with us.
No matter where you're from God's reach is endless and eternal.  

Monday, January 13, 2014

"Give It Up For Jesus"

While Jesus was gathering his disciples he often asked them to give up their lives to follow him.
Peter was a fisherman. Matthew was a tax collector. Mary Magdalene was a prostitute.
There was a time when a man who was wealthy asked what he had to do to follow Jesus.
Jesus told the young man that he had to give up his riches. The man walked away sad because he wasn't ready to give his possessions.
Many of us have given up our preconceived notions about what God really stands for. I personally had to give up on prejudice toward gays and even The Catholic Church.
Maybe you had or have an idea about what God has called you to do only to realize God's plan may be vastly different than yours.
Maybe God is calling you to leave behind a group of friends that lead you to sin.
The ultimate desire of God for us is to repent and turn our backs from sin.
For God leads us not to temptation.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"Horror at the Checkout Counter"

    I'm used to seeing trashy things on the magazine rack at the checkout counter. Most of which involve celebrity gossip and bad airbrushing to make some of those celebrities look awful.
    Then the other day I came face to face with the cover of the latest issue of Cosmopolitan.
     The headline was, 52 Holy S**T Sex Moves.
    I was shocked. It wasn't because the article was talking about sex so much as the language they used.
    Pairing the word holy with a dirty word  is bad enough but when you (and children) see it right in front of them makes me scratch my head as once again shocked at just how low society goes when considering their marketing choices.
    Everywhere I go and on nearly every channel I see things that I find shocking and immoral.
     As a new year came  at midnight last night may I suggest a resolution for all of us?
   When we see something like swearing and sexual content on magazine racks or on TV for that matter perhaps we can send a message to the ad department or whomever is in charge of what we're seeing on TV.     But maybe the most powerful thing we can do is pray.
     We can pray that despite the decay of morality in this world that especially when it comes to our children we can ask that The Lord will protect our children from what is being thrown at them at the speed of a bullet from a gun.
     We can teach our children the true meaning of the word Holy. Lets define the word Holy.
Looking at my Thesaurus some synonyms include: blessed, clean, divine, godly.
      Webster's College Dictionary says: related to, belonging to, or coming from a divine being or power.
 So when raising children aren't the meanings of the word holy be something we should model and have our kids aspire to?
     The Lord says be holy as I am Holy. Holiness comes with action in which we do all we can to imitate the character of God.
 It is to rise above our sinful human nature and to be a light in a world of darkness.