Monday, July 22, 2013

“Faith Healer”

 Jesus once told someone who needed healing “Go, your faith has healed you.”
Many people have trouble believing that faith alone can bring healing.
Some people beg God for healing and never see the fruit of their prayers.
I've been there. I know the feeling.
But sometimes while God is working in mysterious ways someone else who is going through a terrible trial refuses to give up.
You may see an individual who is dying from cancer give great talks about how God has blessed them despite their ordeal.
I have often been inspired by people “less fortunate” than me.
We can also take a cue from The Beatitudes. “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of God.” (Matthew 5:3)
Biblical commentary suggests that “poor in spirit” doesn't necessarily mean those who are depressed. Some say that the poor who are in the spirit rely on God for everything. Therefore “those less fortunate” have the Kingdom of God to supply all their needs.
Of course not having possessions or losing “everything” perhaps after a natural disaster can bring despair. But people somehow find strength to carry on.
Human beings are oddly resilient.
We face the most dire situations and so often keep the faith and fight the good fight.
Why is that?
Most people believe in some form of God or higher power. Most people believe that after this life we will be united with God and our loved ones.
It may be hard but not blaming God for our troubles is sound advice. Even when we face trouble from “acts of God.”
The Book of Job is a tale of great woe. In it Job says, “Are we not to expect troubles from God?” Yes God is in charge and yes he does allow troubles to fall on the just and unjust alike.
God doesn't bring us into the desert just to abandon us.

So have faith. Your faith can heal you.