Something happened today that I didn't see coming.
Unfortunately God witnessed the whole thing.
I went to church. I enjoyed the message.
I received Communion.
I went to the library.
Then it happened.
There was a group of "street preachers" right near the entrance of Rite Aid where I planned to buy a few items.
These preachers weren't passive. They were "screamers." In other words these men who happen to be large men( who could go toe to toe with any fit defensive lineman in the NFL) . Intimidation not only in stature but how they share The Gospel.
I happened to be wearing a t-shirt proclaiming that Jesus is our best hope in life.
In my head I began to feel that people would associate me with the screaming preachers. So much that I considered going to a different store which is more crowded and in my opinion a somewhat inferior store.
I left the crowded store to shop at Rite Aid despite the proximity of the screaming preachers.
All went well. But when I left the store I felt that every eye were upon me.
I didn't want to be lumped together with the screaming preachers. 'I'm not like them. I'm not one of those Christians.'
It got worse.
While on the bus I noticed a man I knew years ago that was a bit outspoken as a Christian. He is fond of me.
He also brings quite a bit of attention to himself. He'll hear a bit of conversation and if it goes against what The Evangelical Church teaches he'll surely speak up. He can quote scripture chapter and verse.
Again. Shame.
Am I ashamed of The Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Surely not I was wearing a Christian t-shirt.
But what about "being seen" with Christians that are loud and proud.
I ask God to bring people to me to witness to but maybe this was the wake up call I needed to show that I'm not quite as ready as I claim.
I will not give up or beat myself up for this weakness.
God knows my heart. He knows my weakness.
But in Christ my weakness is His strength. And I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
The same can be true for you as well.
Do you know of Jesus but don't really know him?
Do you go to church but aren't sure of whom it is that the church celebrates?
Or maybe like me you know Jesus but would die of embarrassment if a stranger would to start up a conversation began to talk of Heaven and how to avoid Hell?
Open up to God.
You know you have done wrong even if you're unsure of God and who God really is.
Ask forgiveness for your wrong doing. Be humble. Go to a quiet place and cry out to God. He hears us all. He turns NO ONE AWAY.
You may not understand God's ways but I assure you that no one on this planet past, present, or future has all the answers.
With forgiveness you don't need to go to a confessional and ask a priest for absolution.
You can go right to God.
Allow God into your life, into your heart and allow God to cleanse and heal you. To make a new creation.
Allow God to guide you. After you bring Jesus into your life He sends The Holy Spirit as your guide.
A great place in The Bible to start is The Gospel of John and The Book of Romans.
Get to know God via The Holy Spirit. Ask for bravery to share what God is telling you.
This is a prayer I pray every day.
Working with God I will get there.
Someday people will know :
For God's Glory, Not mine.